Busy last few days!

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Well, I’ve felt like morning to evening I’ve been in running mode.

We took our son to Edmonton on Friday.  Tim should now be on the VIA rail train headed for Montreal, Toronto, and Halifax.  This is one of those once in a lifetime opportunities.  He’s seen the Rockies from the observation car of the train.  He will see more of Canada in the next two days.  Unfortunately, his camera is sitting here with us.  Hopefully he can keep pictures in his mind.

Today I was up early to work through my sermon.  Then at 10:00 headed over to a single mother’s house where I joined Doug Klassen in cleaning up the yard.  This coming week another group will put in some insulation under her moble home.  The place looks good and I feel as though I got some exercise.

This evening we headed the hour jog over to Rosetown.  My sister, her husband and kids have moved into their home.  The place is still full of boxes but you can see that things will look great in a few days.  The kids all headed to their rooms and are looking forward to sleeping in their own beds tonight!

Tomorrow looks to have a number of activities as well.  Tune in again and I’ll update you then.


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30 years and still going!

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Yesterday we celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary!

The day saw my sister, her husband and family arrive to stay with us for a week.  They are moving to Rosetown and awaiting possession of their house.

My son is in town.  Funny how we still think we are young — how can he be 22 years old and us be celebrating 30 years of marriage.  I was reminded that our wedding day it was raining in Toronto and then it snowed.  That memory is still fresh!

The evening we attended a concert with the Continentals.  Young, vibrant and active — a joy to be with them.  Right now I’m off to ask them a few questions — always good to understand youth and what the upcoming generations are thinking.

Add to all the happenings of yesterday that this day on the calendar is Thanksgiving in Canada.  Can’t think of a better day to celebrate our anniversary!!


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I awoke this morning with thanks on my heart.

If I can put it this way — I’m saying more often, “This is a God thing”, or “That is a God thing”. 

When thanksgiving starts from God, the affects quickly spread.  I find this true for relationships, for relatives, for resources, for reconciliations, for reconstruction of life.  All of these are things I am grateful for. 

The beginning point — as I was lying in bed I was hit with this once again — is God, who through Jesus opened a clear path to him, and through his Spirit now provides daily comfort (giving of strength).  To God goes all the credit.