On thinking ahead
Today I was looking at my schedule. Actually I do that every day.
But particularly on days that I’m told to look at my schedule, I take note.
I’m enjoying a number of things that I have become involved in. I’ve jokingly (OK, maybe a bit seriously) told my wife I wanted to run for mayor. She immediately reminds me that will not happen. Then she lists the basic reasons for not running. Number one being that I don’t have time.
What’s with this time thing??
I mean, I have all these great ideas. With each idea comes a little slice of the time pie. Now, I figure I have a huge pie — sort of like an extra large pizza pie.
Others around me seem to have another perspective. They see my pie as more like one of those $3.99 specials at the Superstore that barely fit in your hand.
Where is the middle ground? I guess I will have to watch I don’t overdo myself, while still staying motivated enough to get some things done.
So, what brought this rant on? Well, I figure Prime Minister position will be open in the next few years. I just need to start planning now!! And maybe I won’t tell my wife just yet (OK, so she reads my blog — I guess the word is out!).