On thinking ahead

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Today I was looking at my schedule.  Actually I do that every day. 

But particularly on days that I’m told to look at my schedule, I take note.

I’m enjoying a number of things that I have become involved in.  I’ve jokingly (OK, maybe a bit seriously) told my wife I wanted to run for mayor.  She immediately reminds me that will not happen.  Then she lists the basic reasons for not running.  Number one being that I don’t have time.

What’s with this time thing?? 

I mean, I have all these great ideas.  With each idea comes a little slice of the time pie.  Now, I figure I have a huge pie — sort of like an extra large pizza pie. 

Others around me seem to have another perspective.  They see my pie as more like one of those $3.99 specials at the Superstore that barely fit in your hand.

Where is the middle ground?  I guess I will have to watch I don’t overdo myself, while still staying motivated enough to get some things done.

So,  what brought this rant on?  Well, I figure Prime Minister position will be open in the next few years.  I just need to start planning now!!  And maybe I won’t tell my wife just yet (OK, so she reads my blog — I guess the word is out!).


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When our son headed onto a cruise ship to serve as a theatre production person, he left behind various goods.  All stored in a “U Haul” storage area.

With his current expectation to continue for another contract, the goodies continued to wrack up rental fees.  If this continued, thousands of dollars of rental money would have been accrued (I’m already sounding like an accountant).

Not willing to give away money on storage items worth less than the rent, he went up yesterday and retrieved the goodies.  They are now sitting in our basement. 

Tonight was a clean up night.  We found places for storage and did a bit of sorting.  Tomorrow we will continue. 

Monday the basement suite is being occupied by my sister and her family.  At that point there will be no remnants to indicate the mess from tonight.

Amazing where boxes can be stored.  Even more amazing is how storage spaces can be arranged to look like part of the decor!!


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Remember the old platform heels.  You got jacked up a few inches to feel like you were miles high.  I think it was supposed to be a self esteem thing.  And they even had various colours for the levels of heights.  Both guys and girls gained precious inches just by wearing the proper footwear.

Of course, if you fell off, the impact was greater.  The floor came to meet you.  And you met the floor.  with a certain “oomph”.

Today we were moving a platform.  This is for an upcoming concert.  The concert is with Continental Singers — a group that was around back when platforms were around.  40 years on the road, touring!  And they are still going.

Unlike platform shoes, some things are worth continuing!

Concert is Monday night, October 9th, 7:00 pm at the Kindersley Alliance Church, 74 West Road — free will offering.  Join us if you can

One of those days!

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Those days?

I’ve often wondered what that means.  I presume that it has something to do with bad outcomes on what should be good days. 

Today was one of those days that could be labelled, “not what I expected.”  I was off to the office by 8:30 to write a sermon.  It is now the end of the afternoon and I’ve yet to do any research or writing.

Phone calls included prayer requests, plans to look at a van for church use, two pastors from the region inquiring about wooden pews, my children’s current situations, and mutual work approaches.  Then another regional pastor dropped in for coffee — a church board member came by for coffee.  I talked to a local businessman about his health and a vehicle he has for sale.  Wandered over to a local church to see if they had platform pieces for a concert we are holding Thanksgiving Monday.  Smelled simmering roast as program personnel prepared a supper before their evening activity.  Phoned a ministry to try to reschedule a date for a drama.

All of these things have been part of a busy day.  All are helpful.

As I write this I am surprised at the calm that God gives.  Perhaps his plans are not our plans!  A tough thing but well worth recognizing!