Scott, Alli’s fiance, and Christopher our grandson accompanied Alli here this weekend.
I was able to convince (arm behind the back?) Scott to join me for a golf tournament put on by some local churches. This was his first time playing golf. He’s just started into his twenties — could be the start of something . . . Scott is regularly using a heavy weighted hammer on rail line maintenance. The clubs felt awfully light to him. When he connected well you could see the ball take off!!
Later in the afternoon we saw some motocross racing. The sight was 10 km out of town. The bikes were noisy like buzzing bees. The jumps were high, the moguls (sorry, that’s the skiing term — they have another one which I can’t remember) almost unseated some riders, and the straight sections few. If I was twenty and knew what I now know . . . I still wouldn’t race.
But the most fun was probably the visit to a local farm. Jill and I had noticed some old tractors and cars. Scott is intrigued by old machinery. There is a simplicity to mechanical action — and you can fix it. He was particularly taken by some John Deere D tractors. We toured the Wiggins farm — also ran across a threshing machine, a well driller (that is probably a century or so old), and some family who are building a wooden basement.
Not many wooden basements are built. See the creativity and desire for simplicity and originality, I wasn’t surprised with the wooden basement. In fact, I would have felt cheated if Kindersley Concrete was pouring the basement!
Tonight I’m off to Saskatoon to pick up my son, Tim, at the train station. He arrives shortly after midnight and it “only” a two hour ride home. I can hardly wait to hear my sermon in the morning!