A new backpack!
Our health district provides a volunteer breakfast once a year.
The usual fare is pancakes and sausages. I used to love sausages — until I found they began to disagree with me. Or at least disagree with my intestines (I guess the old word is bowels??). I still ingest sausages on special occasions. Such was today — for about 1/4 of the sausage. Then common sense snuck up on me and ambushed the rest of the sausage.
The chinet plates were handed to us as we entered. I probably wouldn’t have noticed., but there on a table in front of my nose were various door prizes. My sense of touch felt an impression on the bottom of the plate. A sticker was attached to the underbelly of my meal!
My guess? Maybe I was a winner!! I cautiously entered the kitchen — OK, maybe not so cautiously! Enquiry was made of the cooks (who were actually health care staff serving the volunteers today). They explained that the horseshoe decal indeed signified a winner! All I had to do was pick my prize from the table.
There were candles (not my style), coffee mugs (not my cup of tea!), pedometers (not in my exercise regimen) and a backpack. A very nice backpack. With the health district logo. And pockets here and there. I quickly grabbed the backpack, figuring a backpack would be a desired item. Good for hiking or carrying books or toting clothes. Something everyone would want.
Then I looked around the room. The age of volunteers is gradually climbing. With increasing age is a recognition that backpacks are not a necessity! A cane, bifocals, and hearing aids may be more apropos.
So, I didn’t have to scramble or elbow — I merely snatched the loot and ran. Next time you see me, I may be carrying this prize (or not!!). Stop me and examine the beauty of a pancake breakfast gone right!!