My sister to move closer
My sister, Nadia, and her family, have lived just down the road from us. For this last year that means seven hours away. They’ve dropped in a few times but the trip is long.
Today, my brother-in-law, Doug Smith, announced that he was resigning his pastoral position at the Flin Flon Alliance church and will be moving to the Rosetown Alliance Church.
For the last twenty years we have not lived close to any of my immediate family. We would meet in British Columbia for family reunions. Then we would depart to Oregon, or Germany, or Alberta, or Manitoba or . . . I now have two sisters in the same province — a new record. Who knows, maybe the family will all migrate back (as the old saying goes, “Fat chance!!”).
Regardless (or is that “irregardless”, depending on the location of your grammar!), we are down the road one hour from my sister and her family.
Each new move brings us closer together. It’s all relative!