On elephants and chickens

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Many years ago my children were ready to get me an elephant ranch.  I had a running joke that elephants were my favourite animal.  When asked what I needed for a birthday, I just told them to buy me a place for my elephant.

Yesterday we were out on a ranch.  For a wedding.  With sheep, and chickens and what sounded like a few coyotes.  Oh, yes, there were some 200 people to see the wedding as well.

I looked over the ranch.  Flowing hills coverged into watering holes in the lower basin.  This would be perfect for an elephant!  Or for chickens!

I’ll leave it up to the kids.  See what they might surprise me with . . . I’m not holding my breath!!

Wedding Day!

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Months have passed since I was asked.

Asked to officiate.  At a wedding.  A first time wedding.  A wedding with youthful enthusiasm.  A wedding with centuries old wordings.  A wedding speaking to the culture of today.

Arlin and Laura thought the ceremony through well.  They suggested wordings and directions.  They had her father give her away with more than a quiet acquiescence.  In fact, Kevin gave quite a speech!  The first words of the wedding were spoken by the groom — before the bride even entered!  Interested??  Leave a comment and I’ll be glad to let you know all that was included.

Oh, the wedding was held in a beautiful valley setting, under a tent, with grass under foot and the skies above.

A story to tell!

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Vietnam has the largest Christian and Missionary Alliance church in the world!

At our Assembly of Alliance churches in Canada, our President (Dr. Frankin Pyles), related the progress of the Vietnamese church over the past 30 years.

In the mid 1970’s missionaries were forced out of Vietnam.  They left behind fewer than 100 official church workers.  They left behind a church of less than 100,000.

Now the numbers are ten times as much.  There is a seminary that graduates 100 students each year — all of whom are headed into ministry.

All of this in an atheistic communist country.

Away to C&MA General Assembly — Edmonton

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Every two years our denomination holds their nationwide assembly of churches for policy, prayer, and praise times.  We enjoy seeing each other — some were in school together, others have met in district conferences, others just enjoy meeting new people.

I’ll leave today and stay at a friends place.  Friday I will be back to prepare for a wedding on Saturday.  Unfortunately (or from Jill’s perspective — fortunately) I’ll be travelling alone.  If I find a computer to continue the blog, I’ll keep you updated.  If not, see you later this week!