Signs of the times!

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Saw two signs today in Kindersley. 

One is what a I call a “relative” sign.  My father’s name is Calvin.  Now he has a street named after him!! 

The other is what I call a “character” sign.  I did not realize that it is the law that we must be considerate — at least in Kindersley!!!

Moving Bobbi!

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Bobbi Pfeiffer and her three children were headed out of their home today.  Edmonton will be their next stop.

Her sisters, driving a rental van, arrived shortly after 7:00 this evening. 

As a church we had gathered a “motley crew” to help pack.  As this is a long weekend we were not sure who would be available.  I think I counted around 15 of us working to get the van loaded. 

Just as the tailgate was closing a thunderstorm arrived with the attendant rain.  Sometimes you just know God has his clock set — waiting for us to complete a task.  Then he showers us with blessings!

Thanks, Bobbi, for your contribution to my life.  You have been a breath of fresh air — and some days that little bit of prodding the we, as a church, have needed!

May God bless you in your new place!!

Everything in its time!

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“Speaking the truth in love.” 

What an unusual phrase.  Taken right from the Bible. 

I consider myself to be a man of integrity.  I want to be honest.  In years past I even made sure that extra photocopying that was done for free inadvertantly, was paid for.

So I tend to be fairly transparent.  At the present I am trying to work a balance.  Things that could be said do not need to be said — at this time. 

I’m working on a committee for whom partial information can become gossip and even wildfire rumour.  So final release of information is waiting until we can get it all together.

I’m working with some relationships where truth spoken at the right time will calm, rather than frustrate.  Truth pursued for the sake of “being right” can be hurtful  —  rather than finding a right time and place where the others will “understand” what is said, rather than just “hear” what is said.

There is a time for everything.  What we need is wisdom from God to know what that time is!

Lawns, cemeteries and town dumps!

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

I cut the lawn last night.  The day had been warm and the grass had grown.  My mom and dad came to watch (now, there’s a thought — a new spectator sport — watch the grass get cut).  They sat on lawn chairs and relaxed.

When the clippings were gathered, we wandered out to the town dump.  Therir recollections of the dump go back 50 years.  Back then, the road led to a ravine.  That ravine has since been filled and the waste management area is now acres instead of just “out back”.

The cemetery is across the tracks.  We ventured there and found the graves of my father’s parents.  Both my parents indicated that this is where they would like their final resting place.

As I headed home, I looked at my parents.  They are older.  They have travelled the world.  And yet . . . they like this small patch of earth called Kindersley!

How do you define God’s country?  After all, every piece of dirt is his! 

I guess we are really trying to define where we feel is the thin place — where, for us, we are closest to God. 

Kindersley is not a bad hill to stand on — the heavens look great.