Gracious people

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

There are just people!

People who live by grace.  No matter what comes their way!

Perry is a good friend, and our church custodian.  Today we were preparing for a large funeral to be held tomorrow. 

At one point he is fielding questions about sound.  Then the arrangement for lunch.  Then finding additional seating.  Then being sure the air conditioning is set.  Then mopping the floor.  Then chatting with people.

There are not many who can do this with grace.  Who can encourage you even as you interrupt them.

So, to Perry, thanks!!

A day of doing!

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There is a saying that first you must be before you do.  And so I have spent time in my life figuring out big questions.  Philosophizing.  Who am I?  Why am I here?  What has God got in store for me?

But, somedays I just answer the question, “How are you?” with the phrase, “I’m alive and well.”  Those days I don’t spend philosophizing — I just am!  And I just do.  And when 18 hours are done and I fall asleep, I sleep!

Well, today was a doing day.  As I prepare for the next few days activities, I’m moving from one opportunity to the next.  I’m neither discouraged or elated.  I just am!

And God is there.  And I am there.  And that is enough.

Some days are just that way!

Snow in June??

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Take a look!!

NO, it’s not snow in June.  Fuzzy poplar seeds not so popular with those with allergies!!

Dr. Lloyd Orthner passes away

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

At 6:30 this evening, Lloyd Orthner passed away.  Funeral arrangements are pending.