When I was around 4 or 5 I loved to count. I remember sitting on the basement steps and counting as high as I could. Maybe upwards of 100 or more. To me, that was a great amount.
In grade 10, I joined the Math Club at Markham District High School. Our mandate was to study for the national junior mathematics contest. The day came and I scored nowhere near the top. But not on the bottom. Considering this was national, I figured I was the mediocre of the best. A week or so later on a mid term math exam I scored 100%.
In my grade twelve year I headed into computer programming class. Fortran IV with punch cards run in the local mainframe at SaskTel.
Didn’t realize how much math came naturally to me until my second year of Library Science studies at the University of Alberta. There I was asked to be the Computer Lab assistant. I took to programming and explaining computers like an electical pulse to a copper wire. And to think I got paid to do something so much fun.
Now I’m viewing numbers in a new light. I’ve been watching the sky and wondering how many numbers I would need to count the night stars. And I’ve been watching some of my friends succumbing to cancer and wondering how few numbers I have left!