Week of Prayer

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Who would have thought?

This week our family of churches have designated a time to pray.  For people around the world.  For people in Canada.  And for people right here.

This year I have been working through the daily listings.  I had forgotten how many people I know around the world.  I had forgotten how quickly I had forgotten.  I had forgotten but now I’m remembering.

So, for those around the world — may God give to you and yours a blessing of more of Him and more for Him.

Starting a new week

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Yesterday a group of us were having lunch.

I was asked if I was going to take Monday off.  For years that has been a regular practice for preachers.  Besides, it was the beginning of the week.

Or was it?  One of the people around the table mentioned that Sunday should be the beginning of the week.  If you consider that the Sabbath is Saturday, then I guess that would be true.

I wonder what it would be like to think of Sunday as the beginning of the week?  For years I’ve always started fresh on Monday.  I have this kind of perspective that says my adrenlin gets running.  I sort through new adventures and plan for upcoming events on Monday.

But Sunday?  Not much of a day of rest!

We're back!

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Almost three days away!

Two days we spent time with short visits with Lloyd and Lynn.  They are both in need of support, while at the same time providing encouragement to us. 

I asked them how they had been able to live their lives as salt and light in Kindersley over the past 30 years.  They gave some practical thoughts.  Be yourself; be sincere; accept others from who they are; know people’s limitations and live with that instead of dismissing them out of hand, be involved in the community; don’t force things – really care about people and be content where you are!  Not a bad summary!

On the way there and back we passed a great little community called Marengo – the following is not a paid political announement, nor is it designed by “Tourism Marengo” – nevertheless you may want to check this place out someday!


Off to Calgary!

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Some times you just go!

Our friend Lloyd and his wife Lynn are in Calgary — four hours from home.  Lloyd is there for cancer treatments.  How are things?  On a scale of 1 – 10, indications are that this is not a 10! 

Sometimes you just need to be there.  To support each other even though you can’t humanly “fix things.”

This weekend a group is hoping to head down as well.  For that I have nothing but commendations! 

I have been a pastor for a number of years.  This commitment to a friend is a true indication of what a local church about.