Quotes as I remember them!

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

If at first you don’t succeed, consider other alternatives – like asking someone to help!

The cow jumped over the moon – a photoshop special!

Measure twice – cut only when you have to, a crowbar can make a lot of things fit!

Close only counts in girls, grenades and horseshoes – except for relatives, nothing closer than a brother or sister!

Can you add a few???

1926 repeated!

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

There is a reading called “one solitary life”.

Someone was going to use it in a mail out.  Author unknown.

In my Good Friday service message I mentioned that here was an author!  James Allan Francis.  Born in Nova Scotia.

Now she can attribute the quote.

As a good librarian, I’m happy.  Small things . . .

When emotions rise

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

I’ve learned over the years to feel deeply for those I minister to.  While I see the positive as well as the realistic, I’m not often overcome.

But today I sat in my car and cried – not long – but still I cried.

This past year my brother died of cancer.  These last twelve months have seen others struck down with various illnesses.

But today, I heard a report that was not encouraging.

Three years ago I swam with my father-in-law across a river.  He didn’t make it.  I felt totally inadequate as the family asked me to spearhead a good portion of the funeral service.

But today, I sensed that same inadequacy – unable to change events and yet called to participate.

Five years ago my wife was close to death.  We prepared wills and stood close to each other and cried.  The sting of death was closer than ever.

But today, I felt a lash upon my heart and I wish I could protect others from the hurt.

God, bless us all this night!

Still close to home

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

This morning some friends left for Calgary. 

Lloyd has been taking chemo for the last while.  He has felt good at some points.  At other points he notices his frailty.  The plan was to head to Calgary for more chemo today.  His wife and some friends accompanied him.

This past summer my brother saw his humanity pass from the scene of this earthly existence.  He fought cancer, and some of the indications of his frailty in his last months are those I now see in my friend.  At the same time there is a sense of uncertainty in my mind.   Just because my brother’s last months were enclosed in certain frailties, does that mean all similar cases will be the same?

I wonder, do previous situations dictate the present?  They can give a good indication.  They can prepare us for eventualities.  But somehow I think they do not create the present.

I guess that’s where talking to God more than just on a “crisis” basis is good.  Somehow in the midst of many prayers, these prayers for Lloyd – though looming and large – are carried by God as just as important as my daily prayers for health and safety and guidance and protection.  And, my daily prayers have shown how faithful God is to hear.

And He’s listening now.  I guess I just need to be sure that I’m listening as well!