Spring Visitation!

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Some seasons just lend themselves to getting out again!!

This week Jill and I have booked in a number of “touch base” times with people.  Over the winter we tend to hibernate sometimes.  The weather is bleak and home fires beckon.

But now, the sun invites us out and so we are off to see various people.  From hospital visits to home cooked meals, easter egg painting to senior citizen complex discussions.  All give me a new perspective on this season in our community.

We are awakening once again! 

I was told to check out the pine trees.  They create a special “yellow blossom” this time of year.  I took a picture but didn’t find the golden beams other than in the sun!  Perhaps tomorrow I’ll happen upon another tree and find that the blossoms of spring have truly sprung.

Ukrainian Easter Eggs: my creativity blossoms??

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Making Ukrainian Easter Eggs could never be simpler!

That’s what I told myself as I placed wax upon wax upon dye layer upon dye layer.  In the end the result was – shall I say – spectacular.  At least it was a spectacle!

Our friend Wayne Gibson had invited us out to meet Joyce Richards.  She lives just outside a town called Unity (great name!).  There on her farm she taught us how to decorate Easter eggs. 

Patient and encouraging, she coaxed us along until the final result was seen after almost four hours.  I could hardly believe how tiring it was to concentrate and focus.  I’m sure I’ll have eye strain tonight — I already took my Ibuprofen!



Fun things

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The things we do for fun!  Yes, pastors actually do have fun!

Yesterday we were at a reception — a young couple from our church who were married two weeks ago and 1,000 kilometers away. 

The groom’s parents decided we needed a reception here. 

So, in amongst perogies and cabbage rolls, grandma’s guitar and harmonica playing and  a lot of “fellowship” and laughter, we relaxed and enjoyed just being “home with the family.”

Family Portrait – Blair and Karen Kornelson, Rachel and Curtis Kornelson

There’s a story behind this!!

The next couple getting married in July!  Arlin and Laura

Life keeps happening!

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

This is an unusual week. 

Up to one funeral a week.  That’s not bad. 

This week I attended two funerals, both for young people — attached in some way to individuals in the congregation.  We sat with a lady who is looking at only a short time left in this earthly journey.  A pastor friend of mine had a sever heart attack.  My wife had a stressful trip that was in less than ideal weather conditions.  Others are suffering from cancer, stress and daily burdens.  That’s without dealing with marital and financial issues.  And my calendar also contains other events!

All of these are usual, but not all at once.

Add to that the fact that I deal daily with my own personal transformation issues — part of living in a world that would rather I be conformed to the status quo rather than changing to be more like God.

The interesting thing — I am refreshed. 

As though God put me here just for such a time as this??