Storms are coming??
Today a friend was headed west. Expecting to hit a snowstorm!
Of course, with this winter, one can never be sure. My next door neighbour, Mike, is actually starting to believe in global warming.
Which makes one ask – Where have all the snowstorms gone?
In 1955 the storm of the century hit Kindersley. My father talks of people who started the day in shirtsleeves, but never made it home. I understand I was left stranded in the hospital because my parents could not get out of the farmyard.
But no one can remember a winter where there was no winter. We are still waiting for -40 weather. Right now the snow is melted around the house. Yesterday we watched the ice recede.
If I didn’t know better, the new ice age “reversed” is on its way. Of course, maybe I don’t know better!