Those long but good days!

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I started the day with three other ministerial people.  At -30 or so, and some coming from out of town, I wasn’t surprised that the usual 10 or so were not there!  Next month we inherit a new pastor at the Lutheran church.

Then off to the church to write a sermon and clean up my bookshelves.  Touched base with two of our parishioners who have cancer. 

The evening held a premarital session – Jill and I do this together.  We start with a meal with the engaged couple.  Then our discussions flow naturally into the topic for the evening.  Somehow the camaraderie and ability to just talk really lets us examine the topics and get the couple thinking.

As they left, the temperature is once again down to -31.

The day may be freezing but the opportunity for relationships has been warm.

Home at last?

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We got the word!

Our son left to work on a cruise ship in mid-July.  He has finished his contract and arrives home on Saturday.

At 11:35 – at night – like, around midnight.  Right when all good parents should be in bed.

His flight comes in to Saskatoon.  A two hour drive.  Best done during the day when you are awake.  When the sun is shining.  And the temperature is above zero.

Not like tonight.  The forecast is calling for -51 windchill.  Of course, you have to step outside and get into the wind to get the chill.  Around here we call it the “big chill.”

So, since we have missed winter this year, maybe I’ll get up in the middle of the night and experience winter.


To You!

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  • Reading time:3 mins read

In 1972 I encountered a young 19 year old.  She was just a slight wisp — a refreshing breeze that could easily have been missed, but once you saw her you’d never miss her again!

She carried herself with determination.  Her friends were loyal, for she was loyal.  Her home was more than 2000 kilometers away but she was all there, wherever “there” was.

Her blond head bobbed up and down hallways I frequently daily.  My total distraction with her blossomed the following year.  We began to “see” each other – rather innocently at first.  Then more devotedly.  We married in 1976.

This past fall, we examined our wedding pictures. 

I’d forgotten how fashion changes over three decades.  Light brown tuxedos are no longer the rage.  The bridesmaids’ and the wedding dress flow in the breeze creating what I consider to be one of the most stunning photographs I have ever seen!  On closer examination I find my breath most taken by the one who covenanted to remain with me for life.

Now we are sailing in our 30th year of marriage.  The breezes have sometimes been a little rough  –some days the water has threatened to wash away the good timber that is the foundation of our life together. 

Those days are fewer these days!  There is a comfort to the ship that makes lounging on deck easy and refreshing.  The creaking we hear is just an assurance that we’ve stood the storms.  Our weathered condition is a sign of good construction!  And the map of the years allows us to steer into calming waters instead of always heading into hurricanes.

I write this to a great wife! 

To a great lover I give thanks for a safe place where all of me is linked to all of you, and we two are truly one!  To a stimulating thinker, reader and engaging conversationalist, I give thanks for the shores of sanity you constantly expose.  To one whose creativity composes music and food with equal enthusiasm, your ability to tap into God’s deep soul of creation never ceases to amaze me. 

To my best friend – Happy Valentine’s day!!

Storms are coming??

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Today a friend was headed west.  Expecting to hit a snowstorm!

Of course, with this winter, one can never be sure.  My next door neighbour, Mike, is actually starting to believe in global warming.

Which makes one ask – Where have all the snowstorms gone?

In 1955 the storm of the century hit Kindersley.  My father talks of people who started the day in shirtsleeves, but never made it home.  I understand I was left stranded in the hospital because my parents could not get out of the farmyard.

But no one can remember a winter where there was no winter.  We are still waiting for -40 weather.  Right now the snow is melted around the house.  Yesterday we watched the ice recede.

If I didn’t know better, the new ice age “reversed” is on its way.  Of course, maybe I don’t know better!