Listening to stories around town!
Recently in a town nearby, a grade school teacher mentioned Adam and Eve to his class. Now remember, this story takes place in an area where the majority religion is Christianity, to such an extent that when Christian ministers pray in pulbic they are expected to invoke the name of Jesus.
The response was blankness — no context was available to them. As though Adam and Eve never existed — either literally or in literature!
And I began to wonder, “where is history without the Bible?”
Just the other day, I overheard a conversation as I walked into a local restaurant.
“So, when is the psychic coming to town?” The questioner was asking with eagerness, tipped slightly forward on the chair.
Walking home, I began to wonder, “why seek out a psychic when there are plenty of Christians?”
If I keep hearing stories like this, I may soon begin to wonder, “where is God in our society?” Or has that already been answered?