Full Salad Deal!!
I was out to lunch!
A public service at the local heritage manor was only a few minutes away. I didn’t want to eat too much — a full stomach and preaching/singing doesn’t work well for me.
Saw a seafood salad on the menu. I’ve experienced half servings before. They are only enough for a small rabbit, and an anorexic one at that!
I requested the full serving. There was a moment’s hesitation from the waitress, witnessed to by all around the table.
The delicacy arrived. A heap of greens and reds and whites!! With Italian dressing.
I took a second look.
A full shrimp ring with a sliced egg and fake crab adorned the top. Underneath was a head of lettuce! Sliced up, of course, but creating a mound as high as any burger whooper those fast food places create!
I started slowly but soon realized I couldn’t talk and get finished in time — I had to rush off to the manor service. This was way too much! I actively listened, made one sentence comments and kept the fork moving. Even so, with ten lettuce leaves, a slice of tomato and a bit of seafood still populating the plate, I was full. And time was up!!
If sayings are any indications — I truly was “Out to lunch!!”