The week is done!

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

OK, its only Friday but I feel like this has been a long week.  A good week, but a long week!

Originally I was to take off a few days while family were around.  In the midst of this came the call to lead a funeral.  In this case, and particularly for the sake of friends who called, I felt privileged to be asked to participate. 

The extra time was not begrudged by our family!  I was up and running in the morning when most of them were still in bed!!  The family celebrations were great.  15 people sharing together food and fellowship on Wednesday.  Then on Thursday they were all gone — back to their homes.  By Thursday evening Jill and I confronted an empty house — and said it was time to get some rest.

Today the fog rolled in — seems so unusual in a time when -20 Celcius and cold winds are the norm!  We left a little early for the funeral in Eston – a 45 minute ride away. 

As we returned we plotted our supper meal – leftovers of turkey, salads, potato and gravy, cauliflower and pie.  All heated on the stove and in the microwave in about 10 minutes time.  Talk about fast food!!  We relaxed for the evening and I will take a day off tomorrow!

Until then . . .

It's done!

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

The turkey is done!

Supper’s at 4:00.

15 people around the table and fellowship for all!!

Corner Gas reflections

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Second Season Corner Gas DVD!  A Christmas gift from our daughter!

After falling off the couch during the first season, getting the complete second season on DVD is indeed a treat! 

What makes this a treat?  Being a Saskatchewanian by birth and choice, I get it!  I’ve met those who don’t.  I watch the 1/2 hour show (or is that 22 minutes) and the humour just seeps into my funny bone. 

I know what it is like to watch someone drive towards you for almost an hour.  I sympathize with gas station attendants whose life is enhanced by the lone car driving up to the pumps.  I laugh with the laisse faire attitude of a prairie town — “if it doesn’t happen today, tomorrow will come!”

Humour that’s clean – now that’s fun!

The Day After

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Boxing day! 

With our extended family celebrations happening on Wednesday, I headed off to the church office.  I was hoping to spend a quiet day writing a sermon.

Unlocked the door to the church, walked to my office door, inserted the key, entered and turned on the computer.  The phone rang!  Word of a parishioner, Catherine MacDonald, who had died.

If life were just doing what we planned, there would be no spice.  And without spice, the days soon become gray clouds of nothingness.  So, look around your life today and see what unexpected spices are flavouring your day!