The Good, Bad and Ugly
I’ve just finished Paul Chamberlain’s book “Talking about Good and Bad without getting Ugly.”
In our current society we are discouraged from embarking on moral persuasion. Everyone is said to have their own morals and none is better than the other.
Chamberlain disputes that approach and with the use of dialogue, examples and logic puts together a good case for seeing a culture change morally and socially. He uses William Wilberforce as an example of a man of humour, of influence and of conviction who made a difference in his world.
“Incremental strategy” is the approach Chamberlain takes for changing society’s views. While you can’t change the slow moving ship of culture overnight, at least get on board where some positive movement can be capitalized upon. Sounds like a strategy politicians need to consider.
I kind of wonder if Steven Harper hasn’t read this book!