Engage and enrage the culture
In my post secondary days of education I took culture courses. These included things like ethics, morals, isolationism and assimilation.
I chose for my own life to be a part of the culture around me.
That has been a task that has not been easy. My own conscience has more than once been assaulted by the possible compromises I was asked to own. Sometimes a realignment of my own convictions meant my own small sense of truth was invaded by a greater truth. And every once in a while I just had to stand up and buck the winds of change.
I prefer to engage our culture with hope. I am willing to enrage the culture.
But most of all, I want to stand the breezes of culture always with Jesus in view. Wipe away fog, shield myself from the pelting of dust, even wear glasses to protect my eyes. However I can see Jesus, that’s what’s important.