Mothers who care
Tales of ancestors can be inspiring. As Mother’s Day passed, I was reminded of my aunt’s recollections of her mother (my mother’s mother). Lorena is slightly older than my mother, her eyesight is waning but her memory is unaffected! Here is a slightly edited version of what she sent me.
Learning to take the brightness of a situation, no matter how dark, and turn it into a joyous moment.
Your Grandmother (Naomi Lampman Merritt) was a Bell Canada operator in the very early 1900’s. She was a music teacher, and married our Father at age 25 about. She was a reserved person, but was the pianist for a great many public and private affairs. Such a gracious, educated, reserved, loving person. I always wanted to be like her… although I wasn’t but tried.
She was a great artist, and story teller and loved to read. Each week night from 7 to 9 pm we first had music, singing, playing instruments, etc. We then finished with a chapter of Uncle Tom’s cabin, or some history and finished with Bible reading. We were then tucked in bed, kissed good night and then she would winded down by playing classical music on the piano.
I always have liked classical.
What a privilege to have such an educated, wonderful Mom that never yelled at us, always talked to us and as a youth one could talk to her about anything. After a thoughtful time she always gave good guidance. I always wanted to strive to follow her guidance.