A wise word on death and dying

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

One of my friends made an observation about death and dying.  I’m starting to gather some of these thoughts as I prepare a novel with a funeral director as the main character.

“It’s not the idea of dying – it’s the idea of leaving.”

When you examine the Christian doctrine of death and resurrection, there is no room for doubt.  Death is swallowed up in victory.  The victory is that Christians will be resurrected to a new life, with new bodies and an eternity with God.

That part makes the idea of dying a joyous thing.

When you examine your day-to-day relationships, the leaving is difficult.  You know that a spouse will suffer a disrupted routine – a new normal will take time and effort to form.  You know that children and close loved ones will miss your advice and encouragement.  You know that your community, whoever they may be, will find a hole that they will need to fill.

That part makes the idea of leaving a sad thing.

Summer in the city

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Or is that summer in January?

This has been one of those unusual year beginnings.

I’m not complaining or extolling the weather.  We are called to live content lives not matter what transpires.

But yesterday I stepped outside without fearing frostbite.

But yesterday I watched our furnace take a needed rest.

But yesterday I was bathed in sunshine.

OK, I can live with summer in the city in January.

So, is Christmas in July next??

Joy, glory and honour

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  • Reading time:3 mins read

This week, around a supper meal, I asked some teen agers what the word “glory” meant.  Jokingly they talked of finishing final exams and hopefully passing.  “GLORY!”

A more reflective teen said, “basking in your achievement.”  Not bad!

Afterwards, I was referred to a Bible passage containing the word “glory”.  The passage also talked about what kind of achievement a town could accomplish.  They would bask in prosperity and peace.

I love my town. 

I knew this blog would be a little longer than usual!!

Jeremiah was an outspoken critic of the Jewish nation about 600 BC.  He was an insider, watching the nation destruct from within.  Corruption, injustice, misplaced worship and other actions and intents indicated a bent towards selfishness and evil.

Jeremiah’s book in the Hebrew Scriptures contains the words of a lamenting prophet, with a few glimpses of glory.

So, I was stuck with the part of his book (Jeremiah 33:9) to which I was referred.   The verse gave a picture of the town of Jerusalem (yes, the one in Israel) that was far distant from the snapshot that Jeremiah would have seen as he awoke each morning.

“Joy, glory and honour.”

Those terms relate to a coming governor of the city. 

The citizens enthusiastically liked this mayor, they could see what the mayor had done, and they chose to give the credit and applause to the mayor.

And, the mayor was credited with bringing peace and prosperity.

Here is where I reveal the governor’s name.


Not the athiest’s god – which is most logically themselves since they don’t recognize any other god.  Not the agnostic’s god – which god they hope is inactive.  Not the warring god – which god lacks compassion for the sake of power.

The God described by Jeremiah contains love, compassion, kindness, integrity and qualities that seem foreign to our world today.  The God of Jeremiah is the creator of the universe, understanding of how we were made and how we function.  The God of Jeremiah enforces justice and proclaims freedom.

According to Jeremiah, a town does not thrive on competing interests and gods.  A town thrives on an active bent towards following God’s justice and mercy, and seeking the favour of God.

If all I’m doing is tickling, soothing and entertaining . . .

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Concentrating on writing, I’m learning about readers.

Readers come in all sorts.

Voracious readers just like to have words in front of them.  Keep a good flow and off they go!  With a wide variety of reading material having brushed by their eyes, they prefer well written prose and poetry.

Issue readers don’t care about personal details.  Understand and outline the problem with integrity.  List the solutions and they are pleased. 

Story readers want character development.  A lady standing at the corner needs description.  What is she wearing?  What is she thinking?  How are her emotions?  Who is noticing her?  Where is she headed?

The list can go on.

Now, imagine the harried artist.  The question is not their ability.  Nor the resources needed to complete their art.  The question is how you approach the audience. 

Will you merely tickle their ears?  Or will your vibrations awaken their hearing?

Will you merely soothe their eyes?  Or will your colours light up their lives?

Will your words merely entertain?  Or will your vocabulary expand their horizons?