Wallpapering together

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Our experience as a newly married couple (OK, we’ve been married two years) is that we work well together.  That is, once we figure out what we are doing and can interpret that well to each other!

A task that has now become a signature project is that of wallpapering.  Twice already we have wallpapered together.  The result has been very good – both in looks and in how we are able to survive that close proximity and work space.

So today, we head to our daughter and son-in-laws new condo.  They have prepared an area that needs wallpapered.  We have volunteered. 

And we shall see.

Either smiling faces or pasty faces – which will  it be?

Basement framing

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The major portion of our basement framing is done.

From this I have learned that I am not always the best at going forward.  I was willing to do the framing but my own expertise was lacking.  We got a friend who knows framing (and farming) to give us a hand.  In three hours he finished what took me three days of uncertainty!

Now we can complete some wiring and some plumbing. 

And with that will come walls put up and painted, fixtures put in place and a much more decorated home to welcome us as we walk in the door.

Friends and framing

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Yesterday a friend came by to help with framing our basement. 

Other friends have also helped, and I am learning new things each day.  And for that I am very grateful.

Last night I stood and watched.  I am constantly amazed at those for whom the difficult seems easy.  In three hours he worked a miracle that would have taken me three days.

And as he finished a section of the wall, he merely said, “I think I need a drink.”  And that was the end of work for the evening. 

No great fan fare.  Just – let’s have a drink and chat.



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I love talking to those who have recently retired.

Not long into the conversation, they talk about how they are busier than ever.  All those things they have wanted to do, they are now trying to cram into 24 hours in a day.

I’m working on retiring in the next few weeks.  I want to be busy, but to be moderate. 

Not sure if retirement will allow for that. 

I know my first few days of retirement I plan to sleep in (as long as that may be!), and then we will see.