A wall at a time

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Working on renovations reminds me of working on life.

We all have things that need to be done.  For our sanity, for others, for God.

In the midst of it all we become overwhelmed.  We throw our hands up in the air, we sigh and sometimes just give up.

One wall at a time is the way I’m approaching things. A few nails and 2×4’s get put into place one step at a time.

And so, yesterday, we put up a short wall.  The wall had to go around some pipes and be accurate in order to put in a shower cabinet. 

When the work was done, and the day was done, we were done.

And yet . . . I was strangely invigorated.

One wall at a time.

I am retiring

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

As of August 31st, 2015, I will be officially retiring from my job here at the Kindersley Alliance Church.

I’m not sure what the future will hold, I just hope the envelope is big enough to contain all the things I would like to do.

But first – off to the last few weeks of work and the renovation of our house (both of which could be full-time jobs!). 

My wife and I just celebrated two years of marriage yesterday and are looking forward to many more together.  We have passed some of those tests of the initial years – particularly the wallpaper hanging test!  In fact, we are off to do wallpapering together in a month’s time.  A favour for one of our children!

Transitions have been a large part of my life lately.  I think the biggest thing that I am learning (and not always doing well at it) is that my strength has to come from God.  I also trust in encouragement from fellow travelers here on this earth below, particularly those whose faith walk is similar to mine.  Somehow that lifts me up and helps to tap into the strength that God gives!

Well, we’ll see.  Life is truly an adventure!

First overnight in our new house

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

We could have continued to camp out in other accommodations, but the time has come. 

An overnight in our new home.

In some ways this is a psychological thing.  We have spent money on renovations, paid money to own two houses at one time (while we fixed one and prepared to leave another), and we have even sent pictures out to others of our new house.

But until you actually stay overnight – until you aren’t leaving in order to return again another day – until that point you aren’t really at home.

but today . . . this is home. 

Our bags are waiting to be unpacked and the bed sheets are ready to put on the bed.  There is no turning back!


In the house but not of the house

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

I’m sitting in our new house.

That is not a surprise.  I’ve been in and out of the house for the last few weeks. 

But at this point, we are preparing a few rooms so that we can move in.  We have been graciously hosted by a couple in the church.  Their home has been a God send.

At this point we would like to be in our own home.

Perhaps for insane reasons:

I would love to get up in the morning and start working on repairs to the house.  I would love to sit down at my own “table” (which may look like a box or a stool), and eat together with my wife.  I would love to not have to travel to get to my home (right now our hosts live about 20 minutes away from our house).

And insanely, I would just like to smell the house as I grow with it and it grows with me.

I’m sitting in our new house.  I hope to do much more of that in the future.