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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Does you abandon the past when you shred the papers?

For years I have kept a record, a fairly thorough record, of the happenings in my life.  For over 20 years I have journalled my daily experiences.  My file cabinets (note the plural) are full of tidbits and facts.  I even have small pieces of random paper sizes and colors that recorded events and minutiae that would otherwise have escaped me.

We are currently downsizing.  I have been blessed with a larger house, and with all that I collect and generate, a larger house yet would be appropriate.

Until I remind myself that there are no U-hauls behind the funeral hearse.

Yes, a summary of life is important to have.  Reminders that remind us.

I have watched grieving families that gingerly but firmly disposed of boxes of files and trinkets.  I have just finished reading the biblical book of Kings, detailing the lives of royalty.  Most of them get a chapter, some less.

Not quite filing cabinets of details.  Or boxes of keepsakes.

Just the core of the character.  That’s what people want to remember.  Were they God people?  Were they loving?   Were they generous?  Were they peacemakers?  Were they committed to their loved ones?  Were they gracious in word and deed?

The rest of it?  It’s all going to burn in the end.  So keep a few reminders (make it easy on the family), write your memoirs (help them remember who you are) and live life to the full for the years you have left.

Discernment or Rules

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

I’ve been thinking a lot about how we make decisions in larger groups.

I moderated a large group using Roberts Rules of Order.  That didn’t work so well.

A suggestion is on the table to go to a discernment model of decision making.  Lots of prayer and sharing our perceptions of God’s direction.

I’ve worked with that model as well.  Witness some of those “silly” decisions our church leadership has made over the past while, which have resulted in God’s blessing.

But, once again, the question is not which model works best.  The question is how we come to a deliberative assembly.  Where are our hearts at?

Although Roberts Rules of Order is designed for cooperation, a headstrong aficionado of the rules can use technical expertise to highjack harmony.  And somehow we feel we can’t overcome the rules. 

On the same order of malice, one who decides their way is the right way can use the discernment process for evil.  A simple suggestion/perception, backed by a few cohorts who agree, can seem like God’s voice.  And few people will stand against that.

Decision making is best lived in an atmosphere where we love God and love others.  Something biblical about that!


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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Two churches we have attended have 50th anniversaries this year.  1965 was a great time of starting churches – that lasted.  There was much unrest in the nation, desire to provide Jesus as the answer to a growingly restless society, and resources that could be stretched to reach this goal.

Although neither my wife nor I were attending these particular churches as they were planted, we are the beneficiaries.  For that we thank God. 

As I read of the early days of these churches, you note immediately a sense of unity – a sense of “we are one, for the glory of God.”  50 years later a myriad of life circumstances have caused both growth and retrenchment in each church. 

But God is not dead.  And life continues to arise.

I have another anniversary to commemorate on May 17th.  My first wife, Jill, passed away three years ago on that date.  I’ve been excited about life that has followed – God is not dead and life arises.

But we are wise to remember. 

In the remembering we will sometimes glorify the best and try to ignore the worst.  We will best benefit from an honest view of past pains and glories.  And we will reshape the future as we seek after God’s will – knowing that God has been faithful to bring us thus far!!

Stinks pretty

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Perfumes have become a bane of society. 

At the same time, we may have to encounter the worst of two evils – or simply exit the room.

Right now we have a lacquer smell in some cloth – attached to a seat that we use regularly.  Removal of the cloth is not an easy task.  But the odour can become overwhelming, or at least irritating.

I did the “Google thing” and came up with what may be a unique solution.  Both literally and figuratively. 

The suggestion was to apply alcohol (chemical interaction?) and to have a neutral or inoffensive smell included.  As I searched, one option arose.  Use pure vanilla extract (the 35% alcohol kind!).

So, this morning, I diluted some pure vanilla extract with some water and sprayed it on the material.  I’m expecting by midday, the offending cloth will either stink pretty or pretty much stink!