When meets the sun
There are days when we meet the sun and the rays examine our day.
Over this past while I have been journalling and seeking to understand each day as a new adventure. In my journalling, I am finding that loss is a part of my life. With that in mind, I have been listing my losses and seeking to find a way towards acceptance.
Now, many of these losses have been accepted over time. The interesting thing of the human brain is that we store many pictures – and when we return to those pictures, we must also return to the context and the follow up that has happened in framing those experiences.
Although I can write of many losses, God has gifted me with each one. Some have been fully opened and are on display. But I am finding some that are still wrapped and have somehow been hidden for the last while. As I open them, I am trusting the giver to shine his light on them.
As the light shines, the dark places will come to light. That is the promise of a trusted giver. That doesn’t mean that I am always eager to open the next gift. A wrapped present means a new and unknown gift.
Again, the giver is the key! And I lean heavily on past faithfulness and trust for these coming days in the giver’s love for me.