The reunion

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Today we leave for a reunion.  Of family.

Family I don’t really know.  In remarrying, I also married into a whole new family.

The other day someone asked how you know that you are family.  Their answer had to do with sitting around a table, eating and talking deep.

I see and understand that approach, particularly for a church family.

But in this case there is a different branch to the family.

I have chosen to be a part of “family”.  Without ever meeting all the family.  But having met one of the family and become deeply committed to that person.  Now I am meeting more and more of the family.  Some of them are great – in fact, I couldn’t have chosen a better group.  Some are living with physical sickness – I understand their toils. 

And today I meet more.  I imagine some will be very likeable, others perhaps less so.  That is not the question of whether they are family.

They are. 

The question really flows back to me.  Am I willing to be family to them?  Because I have committed to this family, the answer is “yes”. 

YES – with great joy!  And perhaps, YES – with a push.

But definitely YES!

Late night visit

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

I have been visiting a parishioner for the last few days in the hospital.

Yesterday was one of those days where the end is approaching.  So later in the evening I dropped in to the hospital.  Some of the family were standing by the bed.  I chatted with them and prayed for them.

These days are not unlike days from the not too distant past when my wife passed away.  You hear the same breathing and gurgling.  You sense the effort that is required to stay alive.  And you know a passing to another place is imminent.

Although the family was somewhat reluctant to have me pass through those same circumstances again, they were also glad to have me there.   And perhaps that is the point of the scripture that tells us we can comfort those with the comfort with which we have been comforted.

And so, my days will be filled with activity in this next little while.  A part of that activity will be “paying it forward”.  And I thank God for the strength and the comfort that He has given.  May God comfort this family in like measure.

Together after two weeks

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Tonight my wife arrives home.

With our summer plans this year, I started with a week away at a conference.  My return was just after my wife had left to do fulfil a painting contract in Regina.

Our paths did not cross, but thankfully we have been able to talk to each other each day.  Not quite as fulfilling as face-to-face conversation, but well worth it.

Today, we get back together.

I am thankful – and looking forward to tonight. 

In the dirt

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Today gives me an opportunity to be in the dirt.

We are having a rototiller revival!

That basically means anyone who has a rototiller can bring it by the church.  Others (and they themselves, if they wish) will spend time tilling around trees and generally cleaning the grounds.

This is something well worth a bit of exercise and an opportunity to work alongside others.  We’ll see who comes – I will be there to at least do some clean up if nothing else.

And so begins a new day!