Between two dates
I’m between two dates.
We are all between the two dates of our birth and death. For some this day is in the midst of hard land – just waiting for the day to be finished. For others, this day is a present and pressing occupation. For others this is a preparation for a future.
Some days may be more oriented towards one or the other of these positions. In fact, one day may see all of these thoughts enter our minds. When I read the Bible, I’m struck by prophets whose lives explored each of these experiences, and by apostles who encountered daily trials and tribulations, and in so doing, combined the idea that our desire may indeed be to see life soon finished, but in the midst of life, we live out our lives in light of God’s desires for righteous living and in anticipation of a better world to come.
But we live in a relatively prosperous times here in North America. When our world becomes comfortable, we soon lose sight of what day this is. We lounge and fantasize, feeling that our riches, reputation and self-sufficiency will provide ease and comfort forever.
I’ve watched the shipwreck of that philosophy a few too many times!
Maybe our perspective on each day needs to be readjusted! The anticipation of a new day (this is the day the Lord has made) and the realization that God is the one who takes us through (we will rejoice and be glad in it – regardless of what happens) is certainly a good starting point!