Shifting Stats forum
Yesterday afternoon was spent in Saskatoon. World Vision sponsored a forum on Shifting Stats – the changing face of the religious landscape in Canada.
What stood out?
Well, three areas were addressed. The first was immigration. The second was family and youth. And finally the whole area of finances and technology. A final address was given on the Gospel and reaching out.
I was reminded of much that I have seen in the last while. Even in small town Kindersley there are a number of new immigrants. They are looking for a place to belong – and the church can provide that.
Families are very different from the past. The two parent, single income home is almost obsolete. Well, not quite, but it has become less the norm! Youth need to be given leadership.
Finances – we have more debt than income (163 %) on average. Technology means that our communications need to adapt.
In all, there is much change and yet much encouragement to go ahead! God is not dead – he has great things planned. We just need to continue to seek His Kingdom!