Christian Bookstore and the new look
I ventured into the local (meaning two hours away) Christian bookstore the other day.
Things have changed. Amazon has become only one of a number of on-line retailers who carry Christian product. Yesterday I noted that they want me to buy groceries and will pay for the shipping.
Scott’s Parables have changed their store display. The music area is close to the front now – although most people have moved from buying CD’s to downloads, there are still a number of titles. The area that seems to grow is the “product” area – pictures, trinkets, etc.
To my mind the tangible bookstore will continue to change. The allure of cheaper product delivered on-line is a reality.
How does that affect me? I’m still trying to figure that out. I have bought books on-line. The wait time has not been too bad. And you can also download ebooks. Living two hours from a store means this is definitely cheaper and perhaps a better use of my time.
Perhaps I will contribute to the demise of the tangible store. I’m not sure – but the possibility is there. The past century has seen much change in retailing – this is the current one!