Exercise in the snow

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

I must admit, one of the things that I enjoy is shoveling snow.

I’m not sure everyone understands that.  My next door neighbour has a number of choice words as she shovels her snow.  Spring will not be here soon enough for her.

On the other hand, I stand in fresh snow and see an adventure about to begin.  There is an end in mind.  A clean walk, or a helpful pathway, or an ice rink where you can see the ice.

Not only is there completion in mind – and every scoop of snow removed brings it closer – but there is also the satisfaction of knowing you get to serve others.  A clean walk means less stress and strain on those who are walking, a helpful pathway means someone can find their way to the destination, and of course, a clean ice rink means those Olympians have a place to practice!!

And, finally (but certainly not an exhaustive list), there is the good of exercise.  The older I become the more I realize how much bodily exercise can positiviely affect the rest of your life.  Those who have physical limitations notice this probably the most – and might even wish they were out shoveling snow with me! 

So, I enjoy shoveling snow.  I’m not sure I will be able to do this physically for the rest of my life, but for the moment – bring it on. 

OK, just a few inches at a time would be nice!!

Blessed are those who are flexible

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

About a decade ago I came across a poster.  The easy thing was to put it on my wall.  The hard thing was to live with the message:

Blessed are those who are flexible, for they will not be bent out of shape.

I began yesterday with a fairly straightforward schedule for the next few days. 

Then . . .

A death meant a funeral that I will attend on the weekend.  Which funeral overlaps a birthday party.  So a few phone calls and apologies later – and my Saturday has a new look.

Another phone call explained that a friend is in hospital.  The intent had been to have a meeting with them at my office.  Instead I visited with them in the hospital.

As the evening was dawning (or should I say waning!), my wife and I looked at the weather forecast.  Friday she was to head to Calgary to pick up her son.  We examined the weather over the route.  Fairly quickly she packed her bags and headed out in order to miss a blizzard that was expected at Hanna. 

Thursday, Friday, Saturday.  None of my schedule is the same.  And here I thought I things were becoming stable.  Maybe that’s only for horses!!

Out of the storm

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Yesterday was one of those days.

Snow fell.  Wind blew.

In Saskatchewan that means that the high velocity stirred up blizzard conditions.  On the road, the conditions were icy as the temperature approached freezing. 

Snow catches on pavement and begins to melt, then to freeze.  Other snow catches on the frozen spots.  Drifts form and soon travel is both restricted in what you can see, and drifts create literal road blocks.

As I drove to work, I wondered about a ladies study that was scheduled.  The ladies come from within town, and outside.  Soon after I arrived, the study had been cancelled.  A smart move.

By noon I headed home.  My wife was back from morning work out in the countryside, and she decided not to venture out again in the afternoon.  My decision was to do some visiting next door to our home, at the local senior’s manor, and work on a sermon.  

Today, the wind is down.  I’m headed off to the church.  We’ll see what a new day holds.  This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it!!

Cold or not cold

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

That is the question of the morning.

I headed to bed yesterday with a cold medication.  This morning I’m feeling fairly well.  Unfortunately the symptoms are creeping back.

We’ll see how the day goes.  After a statutory holiday, I am hoping to head back to the office and prepare for the coming weeks.  There are sermons and Sunday School, a farewell and annual meeting, along with the regular tasks of the day.

All in a day’s work, as they say.

Provided the cold doesn’t waylay me!!