Exercise in the snow
I must admit, one of the things that I enjoy is shoveling snow.
I’m not sure everyone understands that. My next door neighbour has a number of choice words as she shovels her snow. Spring will not be here soon enough for her.
On the other hand, I stand in fresh snow and see an adventure about to begin. There is an end in mind. A clean walk, or a helpful pathway, or an ice rink where you can see the ice.
Not only is there completion in mind – and every scoop of snow removed brings it closer – but there is also the satisfaction of knowing you get to serve others. A clean walk means less stress and strain on those who are walking, a helpful pathway means someone can find their way to the destination, and of course, a clean ice rink means those Olympians have a place to practice!!
And, finally (but certainly not an exhaustive list), there is the good of exercise. The older I become the more I realize how much bodily exercise can positiviely affect the rest of your life. Those who have physical limitations notice this probably the most – and might even wish they were out shoveling snow with me!
So, I enjoy shoveling snow. I’m not sure I will be able to do this physically for the rest of my life, but for the moment – bring it on.
OK, just a few inches at a time would be nice!!