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The weekend was spent in watching a play in which Cynthia’s daughter and her husband were acting. Bryan was the lead character, Samantha was a part of the chorus. The production was well done. I can see why Bryan’s push towards being a professional actor is certainly well directed.
The rest of the weekend was here and there with meals and people. Friends and family brought forward updates and advice and fun. The difference in visiting in Calgary vs. Kindersley is that you have to travel. Most treks were at least 20 – 30 minutes in length. Timing your travel amidst traffic can be a bit of a trick.
On the other hand, I have been fighting a cold that has begun to blossom. Right now it is just irritating. I expect the next few days will see an increase in coughing, tiredness and whatever else goes along with a cold.
One of my takeaways from the weekend relates to playing a role. In the theatrical production the one character uses the Bible to prove a point, one of the main protagonists is a conservative southern preacher. In “real life” the actor who uses the Bible would characterize himself as an atheist and the actor who plays the conservative preacher is a homosexual. In a very real sense, the actors play the opposite of their daily lives.
How we perceive the purveyor of words may affect whether we will eagerly listen to them, but are the words themselves voided by the character of the one who speaks them? This question goes back millennia – Paul sits in a prison and others speak about the Good News of Jesus, but do it only for selfish gain. or out of envy. Seems that Paul still accepts that what is spoken is powerful regardless of who does the speaking (Philippians 1:15-18).
A bit of an argument to listen to others – even the worst of people may have a nugget of truth tucked away in their arsenal of words!