Back again
We were off to a Worker’s Retreat the last few days. Yesterday I arrived back in the office and swept through a number of things that had arrived on my desk. Today is a day to complete a sermon and hopefully have some restful time.
Retreats are a great thing. In some ways, though, they are like holidays. Returning means jumping abruptly back into the routine. I also found the retreat was a refreshing time of visiting and activity – paradoxically this requires an output of energy!
In keeping with my theme of the last while, I’ve been gazing on God. As I see new aspects of what this means, yesterday and today have been an opportunity to wait on whispers from God. Whispers of contentment, security and love. Whispers of the future and pictures of the past. All combined to provide the type of rest that is based in the assurance that God is in control.
I won’t say this is easy.
To begin with God – to fix my eyes on Jesus – as I walk through a day, takes intention and perseverance. Easier said than done! May God grant us all the opportunity today to be sheltered in his care – resting in the assurance that He cares for us!