Heading to 60
I have a friend who just turned 99.
To be approaching 60 seems a bit as though I’m still a teen. God has much in mind for those whose lives are extended. We call that retirement, but from what I have seen, most retirees are busy.
Busy with life, with family, with friends, with compassion and care.
How we move from the early adult years, where there is family building and career building, into the later adult years, is always a wonder!
I wonder if we slow down because of our bodies, or because of experience and realization that we are not in charge. God must have a rightful place, and there is a great saying – “Be still and know that I am God!”
I wonder if we see family and friends with greater depths. In a society such as ours, where transience is the norm, I find that I return more and more to those that have been close over the years. Yes, there are new additions, but they do not replace the foundations from years past.
I wonder if we need to arise each morning with radical gratitude. Marathon strength is God’s gift to us as we grow older. May we thank God each day as we seek to see Him more clearly, love Him more dearly, follow Him more nearly!