On raspberry freezer jam and walking the block

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Having returned from our honeymoon, the regularlity of life has returned.


We have both found that life is new.  Yes, we eat our meals each day and continue to breathe.  We arise in the morning and sleep at night.

Beyond that, we adjust to things that arise.  Together. 

The idea of community – more than one – means that we think outside of ourselves.  The best people I have met, that are single, are connected deeply with others.  Those couples who exhibit health in their relationships live in submission and humility to others.

And so, we have talked about little things, like how kitchen drawers are organized.  We have conversed on buying another vehicle.  In a funny way, both decisions have about the same weight.  In terms of the use of our resources, there is a large difference.  But in terms of our shared experience and growth together, they rank much the same.

In the last few days a few exercises have been helpful to our health.  We received some raspberries.  Raspberries deteriorate quickly unless they are changed into another format.  So, together, we worked on that – with one benefit being raspberry freezer jam.  On the other hand, we have also gone for walks around the block.  Although we may not talk much, or we talk a lot, we are together.

Together is good!

Back to work

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Today I re-immerse myself in my work.  For five weeks I have had the privilege of being on a leave in preparation for my wedding and then for the time on our honeymoon.

During this time I have purposely left the work of the ministry of the church to very capable people.  There have been no fires, no unexpected catastrophes and, to my knowledge, the church building is still standing and the church congregation is still there!!

There is  a certain feeling of new beginnings.  I am starting a new life in a new marriage.  That includes working together to figure out life together.  I return to a church where I look forward to hearing how people have worked together.  This may lead to new efforts and outreach.

These thoughts both thrill me and give me a bit of a chill.  The unknown is a bit of an adventure.  I like to have a cement path in front of me.  These paths are just being formed!  I know God is leading, and I continue to learn that means trust is foremost. 

In the meanwhile – which means right now – I’ve started the day with exercise, I’m preparing to head to work and I look forward to what is to come.l

Lake front

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Today was an opportunity to head down to the lake. 

Our honeymoon is on the Okanagan Lake in a small town (11,000) called Summerland.  A mere 20 minute walk takes us to the lake and the joys thereof.

The lake was calm today.  Children played in the splash pool just beside the shore.  Others dipped their toes in the lake.  I threw rocks, trying to skip them across the water – got up to 5 or 6 skips at one time.

A family next to me was watching.  I hadn’t seen them at first, but soon I heard them counting.  Two young sons took up rocks and tried to skip them as well.  Two  consecutive skips was as far as they got.  But the fun and laughter was there.

The walk down to the lake and back up passed through a forested area bounded by a stream.  We dipped our toes in the cool water and refreshed our feet for the next leg of the journey. 

Days like today bring back great memories of years past.  Days of childhood, days with family and days just walking for the sake of a venture into nature!  God has been gracious on this honeymoon.

And to think that this all took place before the noon hour was over!  Imagine what the rest of the day will hold!

The silence of the honeymoon

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

A little more than a week ago our honeymoon began.  We determined not to do any corresponding during that first week.  Although a few messages slipped in and out, overall the silence has been quite quiet.

Today is our first day back on the grid.  Not entirely – just enough to contact some family to let them know we are still alive.

Cynthia and I were rating our honeymoon to date.  We chose the “VG” rating.  Sort of like the thoughts on the days of creation.  Each day was considered good.  And then the “very good” rating appeared!

We have enjoyed no schedule, times for naps, a geology tour of Summerland (where we are honeymooning), a movie night out with a gift certificate, and just now – sitting quietly writing and playing games.

Each day is a new opportunity to share experiences and continue to grow together in our marriage.  My wise brother had stated at one point that you can spend a lot of time on the wedding, but the marriage is what endures.  Our times together just keep confirming our desire to make this marriage a solid one, where we both are comfortable in getting to know each other, in working together with others and in seeing that God has rightful place in all we do.

And so, the silence of the honeymoon is over, the honeymoon will continue for a few more days, then back to “work” and the adventure of our new life together continues!