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  • Reading time:1 mins read

I am looking very much forward to these next few days.  Family will begin to arrive soon.  I will meet new relatives and see those I haven’t seen for some time.

I wish this were the white picket fence story.  Everyone comes with no messes in their lives.  No one is worried about things like relationships or finances or other messes that crowd our daily lives.

This is not that type of gathering.  I’m not sure there ever has been that type of gathering.

So, we will all listen to each others’ stories.  There will be friendly advice and laughter about foibles, and the desire to keep in touch when we all leave.

For those who are unable to attend the wedding of Ron Baker and Cynthia Bellamy this weekend – you will miss a great time together.  I’ll try to keep you posted in the next few weeks of some of the happenings.  And, I’m sure there will be happenings – which makes for great memories!!

On the road again

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Today is my daughter’s birthday.  Half way between our houses is a small town named Saskatoon (OK, it’s a little more than a town!).

We will meet for a birthday supper at Bonanza.  I’ll take along a few coupons to defray some of the costs of the meals.  As well, we will sit and chat and celebrate! 

Of course, I’m reminded of the more than two decades ago when I first met my daughter!  She was cute – which daughter isn’t!!  She had a twinkle in her eye – at least I thought so.  She was a wonder and wonderful to behold.

With three children of her own, she knows what it is to be a mother – and a good one at that.  She has proven to be a loving wife.  For me, she has also been one who watches out for her father.

For all this I am thankful.

Happy Birthday, Alli!!

Feeling at home

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

One of the great tests of relationship is being together, deciding together, and coming to compromises together.

We have had fun (?) deciding what to keep and where to put it.  The result is a greater understanding of each other, along with some misunderstanding.  We both are looking forward to a honeymoon where our big decisions will be whether to get up or keep sleeping!

As we were walking this afternoon we both affirmed that these days have been days of growth and building a good foundation.  Do we like them?  Not at all.  Would we trade them in?  Not at all.  This is a good thing cloaked in hard work.

And so, I am excited for all that God is bringing our way. 

A Sunday reminder

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

I am preparing for a time of prayer.

During the season of Ramadan (July 9 – August 7), I regularly pray for Muslims around the world.  I follow a prayer guide called “30 days of prayer for the Muslim world.”

I have sneaked a quick peak through this year’s guide.  Over the past several years, as again this year, there have always been foci (yes, the plural of focus!) on countries, trends and themes, as well as testimonies.

Today I came across a marvelous illustration that has set my sights for today.

In Somalia, there are homes that are nomadic huts.  Formed from the dust and dirt of the ground, topped with a roof.  This particular story talks of “the church [is] like a nomadic hut that bundles all the weight of its roof on the center pole.”

Jesus is that center pole. 

My prayer for today is that I, and those I love and minister to, would find their eyes turn to the center pole.  Hebrews 12:2 says that very thing – fix your eyes on Jesus – the author and perfecter of our faith.

Enjoy your Sunday!