30 days to go!
That was what greeted me on our wedding website today.
One month and I will be remarried. Seems surrealistic. This past week I served on a committee with a widow whose husband passed away just in this past year. Yesterday I was with a fellow the same age as I am (actually only one month between our ages) – his wife is in the final stages of cancer. Both are struggling with issues that I have had to deal with this past year.
What is it like to live through this past year of widow(er)hood? I didn’t know what was coming, nor do I still understand completely where things are headed. I just know that I have a peace from God. I have a sense of knowing that, as I am encouraged in my Bible study, I am headed in a proper direction. I am thankful to all those who have come alongside to support me and congratulate me in my remarriage. As my header on this blog says – daily life as life goes on . . .
30 days to go! And life goes on!