A Pastor’s life
An 8:00 phone call caught me in the midst of my morning (yes, I was up early, so this was the “midst” of the morning).
The caller had a prayer request to share. The first few moments were spent just waiting. Waiting as the caller gained some composure. Then the story gushed out. A story that you can’t stop. And finally a call to pray.
Which I immediately did. And passed on the request, with permission, to our prayer chain.
At moment’s like this, your words are somewhat halting. You really don’t know what to say – other than – I’m praying. God knows the situations in people’s lives. We get a glimpse. And sometimes the sight is like a deep hole, with you standing on the edge of the cliff, on tiptoes with your friend, just knowing that being together, with God beside you, is what keeps you from falling in!
And so, for those around you today, who you know are suffering, offer your prayers! May God grant his peace!