Heading out the door
Today I have two major events planned. One is a seniors meal, another a counseling appointment and supper.
As I head into almost a year after the passing of my wife, Jill, I am reminded of what this would have looked like a year ago.
The meal with the seniors would have been headed up by Jill. We would be gathering together various utensils that might just be needed. Any last minute shopping needs would be cared for on the way to the church.
After the luncheon we would have headed home, prepared a supper meal and looked over the counseling needs for the afternoon session. Many of my counseling sessions, particularly with couples, included Jill.
Almost a year later, I am thankful for all those who are preparing meals. I am thankful for those who are open to provide support where needed.
In all this, though, the loss is still present. As I work towards the first year anniversary of her death on May 17th, I know that other thoughts and memories will arise. This is to be expected.
While others are helpful and supportive, I am so thankful that God is good, his strength is sufficient. I continue to rely on God for each day. And so, I begin this day saying, “this is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.”