Meal time

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

I did not realize the meals this weekend would hold! 

Lunch on Friday was with my associate pastor, my fiance and a new friend.  All held away from our usual environments.  A bag lunch at Ambrose University College as we explored life stories and looked forward to the future.

That evening was a blended family meal.  My fiance, with her kids along with my daughter and her family met together.  My grandkids kept things hopping and the meal turned out very well.

The next day saw breakfast and lunch with my fiance, my daughter, her husband and my three grandkids.  Always fun watching the tirelessness of children matching the older age syndrome called “I’m getting tired!”

We rushed back for a meal with the pastoral staff and elders from our church.  I laughed so hard my side and back felt like they were about to burst.

Today I join in the meal called communion with our church.  I am really looking forward to that.  Then lunch with my fiance, my daughter and her family, just before they head back to their home in Birch Hills, Saskatchewan.

And then this evening!  I think I will actually sit down with my fiance, by myself, and have a meal together! 

You’ve got to love those days of eating and meeting!

Filling the weekend

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A few months ago I had set aside a time to meet with family – on both my side and my fiance’s side.  The total commitment – Friday night supper meal and time to chat.  Maybe a few hours in Airdrie, Alberta.

Then a snow storm hit.  A class that I was to teach was postponed until tomorrow afternoon.  Which meant I’m on the road earlier than planned.

My daughter is coming with her family.  They will arrive for an overnight stay tonight.  And return on Saturday night.  Saturday morning and part of the afternoon Cynthia and I will spend time with them touring a dinosaur museum and a reptile world in Drumheller, Alberta.

Our elders and pastoral staff missed having a Christmas/New Year’s meal.  Saturday night worked well.  The plan is to be here in Kindersley by 5:30, with a great repast planned.

Sunday services remain the same, with an additional afternoon service at one of our senior’s homes.

Sunday at 4:00 in the afternoon I will finally sit down with my fiance and breathe! 

And it all started as a few hours planned a few months ago.

Moving past Easter

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Today I will chat with a group of seniors at one of our local seniors complexes. 

Usually we call this devotions.  That term certainly applies – we are devoted to Jesus Christ.  That devotion results in study and discussion and laughs and even tea afterwards.

I will mention that we are just past Easter.  We will look at the end of the book of Luke and into the beginning of the book of Acts.  Things begin to happen at this point.  Much has to do with prayer.  Some with setting priorities.   Mostly with being Christ centered.

Jesus then moves the disciples to understand that the whole thing depends on the Spirit of Christ living in each of us.  I don’t think that was initially understood – at least what that looked like.  With final words, Jesus then instructs the disciples to be mission minded.

OK, now you have heard a sneak preview on the discussion time.  We’ll also chat about life and happenings and just being human in the midst of aging. 

One of my great enjoyments in life!

A David Platt moment

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

I don’t often link to videos.  But as I was wandering through my life today I came upon a short clip from a sermon.

Pithy.  Concise.  To the point.

We are in far greater risk of being safe than we are of being reckless in contemporary Christianity. 

I am watching my own life lately.  I’ve often said I want to be sold out completely to Jesus.  Right now I am stretching in the starting blocks of life that promises to not be safe.  I do this with gladness because of the great treasure that awaits me.

Give a listen to David Platt’s video clip!