Meal time
I did not realize the meals this weekend would hold!
Lunch on Friday was with my associate pastor, my fiance and a new friend. All held away from our usual environments. A bag lunch at Ambrose University College as we explored life stories and looked forward to the future.
That evening was a blended family meal. My fiance, with her kids along with my daughter and her family met together. My grandkids kept things hopping and the meal turned out very well.
The next day saw breakfast and lunch with my fiance, my daughter, her husband and my three grandkids. Always fun watching the tirelessness of children matching the older age syndrome called “I’m getting tired!”
We rushed back for a meal with the pastoral staff and elders from our church. I laughed so hard my side and back felt like they were about to burst.
Today I join in the meal called communion with our church. I am really looking forward to that. Then lunch with my fiance, my daughter and her family, just before they head back to their home in Birch Hills, Saskatchewan.
And then this evening! I think I will actually sit down with my fiance, by myself, and have a meal together!
You’ve got to love those days of eating and meeting!