Where dissertations are always fun

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

The little gems that can be found in a Doctoral dissertation can be fun.  This is from “ THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE ASBURY REVIVAL OF 1970 FOR SOME
Phillip Bruce Collier,
May 1995”.  You can read the whole dissertation here:  https://core.ac.uk/reader/155802060

Here is the quote I’d love for you to consider, found on page 65:

Closing Remarks

The interest in the marriage of psychology and evangelical theology in the 1970 ‘s, and also of evangelical theology and politics in the 1980 ‘s, has given birth to a more activistic evangelicalism. For all that has been accomplished through such activism, sin and moral decline are still rampant.

Truth has been used as a mighty weapon, but truth alone has failed to change hearts. A fresh examination of the Asbury Revival of 1970 reminds us that truth without prayer places too much dependence on humans for social transformation.

In this post-modern era, when truth is not highly regarded or is relativized, and when there is a new openness to the spiritual world, perhaps an experience of the manifest presence of God is the only way of convincing our society of the truth that will finally transform. May that transformation begin in the local church, with the individual .

The weekend

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

A birthday party for a 95 year old, putting in a new bathroom sink drain and preaching a sermon.

All in a weekend’s enjoyment.

Each activity had a different set of expectations and emotions.  For those who wish to remain on an even keel (a great boat metaphor meaning you don’t tip side to side), reserve your weekends for slow to wake and early to bed.  With nothing in between.

Rather??  How about a range of emotions, a spate of exercise and just plain fun.  That was this weekend.  I rejoiced with Mom Warkentin.  She is bright, energetic and constantly on the go.  I was frustrated by a sink drain that had rotted enough that a simple fix was not possible – and elated when new parts fit perfectly and fixed the problem.  And preaching?  A group of less than 20 were engaged and followed what I was saying – and that is always a joy for a preacher.

Men struggling

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

I popped onto ChatGPt to ask what are societal changes that have altered the traditional definition of masculinity.  Here is a quick “jot note” listing:

  • Changing economic roles
  • Shifting family dynamics
  • Decreased sense of purpose
  • Pressure to conform to new norms
  • Need for emotional intelligence and communication skills

Does this make sense?

Prayer in view

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

I’ve been thinking about prayer – especially since a small group meeting last night when we spoke on aspects of prayer.

I wonder if most prayers come in three formats:  Worship, wish/want, and witness.  These areas cover such things as Soul Care, Mental Health and Christian Mission. 

Not a bad combination for a world that is curiously introspective, suffers from the uncommon fear and misses the big picture of life.