The wind doth blow

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Awakening this morning meant hearing the wind.  Not just a little bit, but one of those “big bits!”

Accompanying the wind was a small bit of snow.  Just enough to cover the driveway and the sidewalk.  As I shoveled, I realized that this was not the usual direction of wind.  Instead of heaving shovelfuls of snow into the wind, the wind was assisting me.

All fine and well if I was not on a corner lot.  The wind began to find ways to enter my parka.  A sneak breath of cold air here.  An unexpected pinch there.  Nothing you couldn’t handle.  If you only stayed outside for a few minutes.

I quickly wrapped up the morning’s exercise and got back inside.  Thankful that this was not a full blown blizzard, although full blown it was! 

I live in a country where the heat was on when I stepped inside.  The shower will be warm.  And I can drive on roads that are cleared.  After hearing a story of gypsies in Romania this past Sunday, I want to be sure my mind and heart both give thanks for all I have. 

A little breeze can blow in a reminder of a hurricane of blessings!


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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Last night’s conversation was along the lines of timing.  Being engaged with a distance between means that the quick face-to-face is four hours one way!

But F2F (now I’m starting to get into the texting mode here!!) is important.  Skype or Google+ are helpful, but more often than not distracting for me.  I have trouble when a voice is not always synced with the mouth that is speaking.  I might as well just phone!  Of course, some days it can work well, but others . . .

So, yesterday meant that we tried to set up some times when we would be together over the next months prior to marriage.  Our rule of thumb (I’ve wondered if there is a rule of the toe!) is to try twice a month to touch base.  Setting these dates to coincide with special days – grads, Valentine’s Day, Easter, etc. – gives another reason to be together.

Now, with the scrap of paper in hand, I will try to put this into a calendar.  Not sure everything will come together, but best to plan ahead.

I wonder if other areas of life sometimes get left behind because we don’t plan ahead.  When the pen comes to paper – or is that keyboard ends in a spreadsheet – action often follows! 

At least that’s the way I find life!

Income tax time

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Yesterday afternoon I sat with forms in hand.

Working through this past year has been a new experience.  For 35 years I lived a shared life.  The paper trail of taxes over the years showed a time of building a new life, a time of studies, a time of parenthood and lately a time of exploring greater opportunities for giving.

But this year, I am preparing returns on my own.  With figures that remind me of God’s grace in my life. 

I have monies (that’s what income tax is all about) that have been a blessing to me.  I live with comfort. 

I have been able to use my monies to help others.  I looked over charitable giving and am thankful for the opportunities I have had.  I cast my mind to other opportunities to give that will never show up as a charitable deduction on the annual income tax form.

God is good.  And I am thankful.

The Fare of War

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

I was talking with a fellow on Wednesday.  He mentioned how his Christmas Eve was surrounded by service to others, family together and celebration of Christmas.  In the midst of all this an oppressive sense of loneliness descended on him.  No reason – other than the fare of war in the spiritual realm. 

I related to that type of loneliness – just such a sense had descended on me just hours prior to our discussion.  My life is filled with friendships and service, but this unbeckoned emotion just arrived.

We know that there will be things happen around us that are beyond physical, psychological and even emotional control.  And often, we go our merry way each day, tending to forget this!

As I understand my Christian approach to life, nothing happens without God’s knowledge.  Our response should be to seek out God, get in on the happenings, and fight for the God’s kingdom in all the realms of life.

Which has me thinking!  Perhaps joining with others in spiritual warfare is the immediate call for those who are touching the borders of the evil one.  Perhaps my own prayers are more needed than I know.

A few reflections on chatting with a friend.