Funeral, family and fun

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My aunt’s funeral was a celebration.  Imagine 1/2 hour of tributes that led back to Jesus.  From the comments on scripture, to a eulogy of love, to a dance of delight, to a meditation of God’s mercy.  That is the type of funeral I want to have.

Etta was her own person.  She believed that Jesus should be the main person.  And now she walks and talks with him. 

From the funeral Cynthia and I headed down to a family celebration in Swift Current, 2 1/2 hours away.  There we ate some of the most delicious, delightful and different foods.  Finished off with cheesecakes – a real chore to consume – NOT!

Two of my sisters were present.  That is the nuclear family that was present.  My sister Nadia, also had three of her children there, along with Wayne, whom she is courting.  My sister Bren  came with Shawn. 

The room was full.

The day was full.

And now we begin a new year that will be full!

Meeting people

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Sunday was one of those days.

The start of the visiting began with my son arriving for just a few minutes.  He was here to pick up some things on his way through to Calgary.  Then off to the church for practice with our worship team for the day.  Church service saw various people there.  Then out for lunch and afternoon games with two couples.  Back for supper with relatives.  The evening ended with funeral preparations.

These are days I enjoy.  I appreciate moving from one activity to the next.  I enjoy the interaction of friends.  And I see God in the unexpected moments of the day.

Today looks to be busy as well.  Starting with breakfast with friends at 8:00, a funeral at 10:00 and a family meal (in Swift Current) at 3:00.

May your day today be filled with God’s presence in the midst of the activity of life.

Visiting with Cynthia

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I had mentioned previously that I was courting a lady by the name of Cynthia.  These last few days she has had the opportunity to meet some of my community.  This has included my children, church folk from here in Kindersley and touring around Kindersley.

Now, first time meeting and greeting is never easy.  You are put in a place of being vulnerable.  The person you are talking to has no experience with you.  They may have heard stories that introduced you, but they don’t know you.  Tiring might be a way to describe this.

By mid-afternoon yesterday a few minutes break was just what we needed.  I, the planner, had of course set up all sorts of meals and coffee times.  At the best of times, even pastors seldom have this many appointments.

Into the evening, with more than enough names and faces running around her brain, Cynthia headed off to her lodgings at 10:00 last night.  She will take the early part of Sunday morning by herself, come to our church service, and again start the round of meet and greet. 

So far, so good.  And, might I add, she is a great person to be with as we socialize with my world!  I forgot to mention that the weekend will also include a funeral we will attend for my aunt, a meal with some of my siblings and much more of that meet and greet stuff (I hear my relatives saying – “be nice to the girl – give her some time off!!”).

Family Gathering

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Well, I’m back. 

A few days down at my daughter’s over Christmas was refreshing.  My son, Tim, was able to drive up from Chicago, my daughter’s family were all there (although sickness was also present), and Cynthia, the lady I am courting, was able to come and meet my kids!

Each morning I was out walking.  The town of Birch Hills, where Alli lives, is small enough I could march around it in less than 40 minutes.  I bundled up in long underwear, scarf and good mitts.  That was good for me – exercise never hurt when you are eating.

And eat we did.  We cooked a turkey and made pies.  Ate a cheeseball and snacked on a myriad of other foods.  All good but fattening.  5 pounds worth. So now I’m working that off at home.

Here are the kids, grandkids and I.  What fun.

Family photo - December 27, 2012