The rose of the 17th

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Over the past few months a rose has shown up.  I’ve been in various places, but somehow the rose tracks me down.  Sent anonymously, the date is not insignificant.  My wife, Jill, passed away on May 17th. 

I’m sure the rose comes as a reminder of the shared grief that we have.  I appreciate the gesture and have taken a moment of silence in remembrance of Jill.  While life continues apace, there is space for memory and the encouragement of a past well spent!!

Dec 17, 2012 rose small

Choir for Christmas

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

I’ve talked of the Christmas Choir I have worked with at our local high school.  Of our three performances, we have never had the same people there twice.  Tonight was no exception.

Which is also a good sign.  A group that can adapt and keep things in tune (well, almost tonight – the piano was too far away and we tended to go off a bit).  I have really appreciated each one who has worked with us.  Below is tonight’s group – an octet to be sure!

KCS Christmas Choir - Dec 17, 2012

Christmas program 2012

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

We filled the program with people.  The kids ranged from 2 and 3 year olds up to the want-to-be kids who are 97 years old.   Each played their part well and we finished with an amazing dessert buffet.  I figure around 200 came out.

When we were finished, I assisted in the break down and by around 9:30 we had returned equipment, cleaned up the venue and exited with grace.  I imagine I will spend a day or two recuperating from the travels and programs of the last while.  And then off to Christmas with my kids and some of my siblings.  Should be fun.

Oh, and here is a picture of an angel and Mary.  OK, the boy who plays the angel is mostly an angel, except for some days!!

Enunciation of Mary - Christmas Program 2012 small

My first loaf

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

OK, here is a picture.  You’ll see it below.

French bread. 

Should be elongated – mine was fat. 

Should have small slits on top – mine were a little deeper.

Should have risen nicely – mine rose a bit.

But, if at first you don’t succeed, change your expectations?  I think  not!  I’ll try again in the near future.  And soon you will all want to be visiting just to savour the flavour of great bread!!

French Bread finished, dec 15, 2012 small