Seven months later and I’m still functioning on reserves. For which I am thankful. But the store is coming to an end.
Now I must re-store!
The reminder today was the dryer sheets – which I loving call “Bounce” sheets. Stick them in the dryer and they keep your socks from static electricity and the dreaded “they stick together” disease! Often wondered where that extra pair of underwear ended up? Check out the other side of your socks!!
Next? Well, besides produce that has expiry dates in the weeks, I’m coming to an end of my pickles, my vacuum bags, my gloves, and other miscellany! I believe there is some universal law that requires things deteriorate so that the new may enter!
So, as I wander through this day (mostly a day off), I will be checking around the house to see what needs attention next. Reminiscent of our Christmas program theme of mystery (as in Sherlock Holmes style mystery) – and YES, that program in all it’s glory is this coming Sunday at 6:30 at the Kindersley Composite School- I have named this day “The Adventure of the Supply Cabinet” OR “What Do I Buy Next!”