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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Seven months later and I’m still functioning on reserves.  For which I am thankful.  But the store is coming to an end.

Now I must re-store!

The reminder today was the dryer sheets – which I loving call “Bounce” sheets.  Stick them in the dryer and they keep your socks from static electricity and the dreaded “they stick together” disease!  Often wondered where that extra pair of underwear ended up?  Check out the other side of your socks!!

Next?  Well, besides produce that has expiry dates in the weeks, I’m coming to an end of my pickles, my vacuum bags, my gloves, and other miscellany!  I believe there is some universal law that requires things deteriorate so that the new may enter! 

So, as I wander through this day (mostly a day off), I will be checking around the house to see what needs attention next.  Reminiscent of our Christmas program theme of mystery (as in Sherlock Holmes style mystery) – and YES, that program in all it’s glory is this coming Sunday at 6:30 at the Kindersley Composite School-  I have named this day “The Adventure of the Supply Cabinet” OR “What Do I Buy Next!”

Another choir

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Last night I was treated to a great Christmas meal.  The invitation did come with a bit of a hook.  OK, I volunteered!

Put together a choir and lead a time of entertainment between the two meal sittings. 

Not a problem.  And great fun.

We sang five songs.  Another friend of mine, Laurie Thompson, and I sang two duets.  And the gathered group sang a Christmas carol or two.  There were probably around 100 gathered just to listen.

The choir did a great job.  They are all former choir members.  But being in their 80’s (most of them – we have some in their nineties) their best days of singing are past.  But even at 1/2 speed they provided a great sound and four part harmony.  Not perfection but very enjoyable.

And so, my next opportunity for directing choir falls on December 16th at 6:30 pm when our church program is being run at our local high school auditorium.  The program is free.  The two choirs I have been directing will both be there.  And there is a dessert bar to follow.

If you are around, join us!!

KCS Choir

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Yes, there was a photo taken of our choir on Sunday night.  Not everyone was able to be there but here is the gang who were able to attend that night.

KCS choir 2012 small


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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Yesterday I began to work on a sermon series to begin a few weeks from now.  Although the idea had been running around in my head, writing down a few sentences and seeing where it is going puts a finality to the ideas.

So, off to Luke 1 and 2.  There we encounter various Biblical characters who have to deal with such questions as:  What if?  Now What? and What was that?

The questions are great.  All I have to do now is fill in the rest of the sermon!  Any suggestions would be welcomed.