Family and Friends

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Yesterday was a touch base day.  In the midst of the many changes in my life, I am thankful for friends and family. 

There is a perspective from each of them that ranges widely.  Much like the larger world in which I circulate, I find that the closer circle magnifies the opinions and guidance I hear from the larger world.

At lunch I enjoyed a young family’s banter and questions.  Later in the day my son chatted over the internet.  The afternoon saw the opportunity to touch base with three college friends.  And the evening included a chat with the gal I’m courting.

I am coming to believe that wisdom flows from many angles.  The trouble is that not all of these thoughts and desires that are expressed by others seem to be the same.  And so I’m praying widely and largely for the wisdom that James spoke of in his book in the Bible.

5 If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. 6 But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone.

I spoke a while ago on risk.  Risk may not mean doing something different, nor does it necessarily mean staying in the same place.  The point of the sermon was that God is in control.  We risk, with the balance of focusing on Jesus, and with the realization that God has the last word.  I’m looking to God as I listen to others.  May his wisdom be mine today, as I pray that his wisdom will also invade your life this day.

The day of rest

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

I couldn’t help but feel this morning.

I feel alive.  That term is not so much about blood coursing through veins as a  sense of purpose and an enjoyment in life.

I feel tentative.  That term is not so much about despair in the overwhelming parts of life as about hope that carries confidence.

I feel comfortable.  That term is not so much about the mushiness of relationships as about living with strength (the true definition of comfort).

I feel dissatisfied.  That term is not so much about anger and rage as about knowing there is a greater good for me.

I feel the need for God.  I feel the reassuring presence of God’s Holy Spirit.  I feel the outpouring of Jesus’ redeeming work for me.

This is restful and a great life in which to live!

Friendship with Dead Guys

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

That’s my title for this Sunday’s sermon.

I’ve been contemplating the matter of being friends in the larger arena of life.  Hebrews 12 says that we are surrounded with a great crowd of witnesses.  Imagine if we were able to wade into that crowd and ask questions. 

Well, I guess we are.

We can read the Bible.  We can read biographies.  Nowadays we have videos.

And so, Jabez, a mere two verses in the Bible, gets pages and pages of thought in these past decades.  And of course David, the Jewish King, has had volumes written to help us understand him.

I am concerned that all we read is what other people prepare for us to read.  The best idea is to go to the original documents (the archivist in me speaking).  Read the Bible about Joseph, and Paul and Peter.  Enjoy others thoughts on them, but read the unique words first place in the Bible.

Pick a dead guy who isn’t like any of your friends.  Expand your understanding.  Right now I’m trying to make closer friends with David, the Jewish King.  He is not a lot like me.  Way too emotional.  Way to spontaneous.  Way to “out there”.

But maybe it’s time for me to explore with my friend a new side to life.  God blessed David as a man after His own heart.  I’m more than willing to run alongside David to see what that means!  Wonder what my life will look like a year from now??

Gone Courting

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

I guess it’s starting to be public knowledge.

I have been courting a lady who is thrilling my heart.  I mentioned to her that I would not want to carve out a place for her in my heart – as though I had to cut out all parts that relate to Jill.  Instead, God is enlarging my heart to let another enter.

And I love it!

Because of the current use of the word “dating”, I’m a little reluctant to splash it over a page on this blog.  With terms such as hook up, one night stand and multiple partners in vogue when people date, I want to be very clear.

I enter this relationship with the intent of marriage. 

I have enjoyed being around a number of single women in this last while.  They have helped me to laugh, played piano for me at seniors homes, delivered meals to me, counseled me and been a great comfort in time of sorrow.  These women are amazing, but not marriage partners from my perspective.  Not to say that  fleeting emotions have not arisen as I have been immersed in this “single” thing.

But, this time around, I sense a deeper attraction and desire.  And not to defraud her in any way, I fairly quickly told her my intention to explore the possibility of marriage.  The journey so far has been . . . I wish I knew the word to describe an exciting unknown.  I don’t.

We are seeking to be purposeful, thorough and careful as we work through this new normal in both our lives.  As one friend said – Pursue . . . Pray . . .

Her name is Cynthia.