Family and Friends
Yesterday was a touch base day. In the midst of the many changes in my life, I am thankful for friends and family.
There is a perspective from each of them that ranges widely. Much like the larger world in which I circulate, I find that the closer circle magnifies the opinions and guidance I hear from the larger world.
At lunch I enjoyed a young family’s banter and questions. Later in the day my son chatted over the internet. The afternoon saw the opportunity to touch base with three college friends. And the evening included a chat with the gal I’m courting.
I am coming to believe that wisdom flows from many angles. The trouble is that not all of these thoughts and desires that are expressed by others seem to be the same. And so I’m praying widely and largely for the wisdom that James spoke of in his book in the Bible.
5 If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. 6 But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone.
I spoke a while ago on risk. Risk may not mean doing something different, nor does it necessarily mean staying in the same place. The point of the sermon was that God is in control. We risk, with the balance of focusing on Jesus, and with the realization that God has the last word. I’m looking to God as I listen to others. May his wisdom be mine today, as I pray that his wisdom will also invade your life this day.