Old Age?

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

I’m not sure old age is to blame . . . but . . .

On January 13th I went in for a massage treatment.  I had been having trouble with my hips for a few days and was hoping it was just stiffness from activity.  A few days later the pain was increasing and, although the massage had helped, I was advised to see a chiropractor. 

January 17th was the first treatment.  Others were to follow.  On a bold adventurous weekend I headed down to Regina in February.  Although the ride was smooth my hips were not impressed (or maybe impressed too much).  I got another Chiropractic treatment in Regina.  By the end of February I added a two or three week regimen of pain killer and muscle relaxant pills (starting every four hours, then backing off over the coming days).  I took the last of those pills on March 10th (and hopefully have passed the point of needing further chiropractic treatment).  By March 13 (two months later) I am able to walk much more easily, although I tire and will need to rebuild those muscles.

There is still a mystery in my mind as to what precipitated this episode of pain and readjustment.  I’d like to say it was my muscular ability in cleaning walks and doing other athletic feats.  I’d even like to say it was a heroic deed that cause me to strain the muscles.

That’s the “I’d like to” scenarios.  In truth, I have no idea.  I’m glad I’m recovering at this point.  There were days of pain that precluded my doing anything – and my thinking was clouded.  I feel for those with chronic pain – and am thankful for those who can prescribe treatment to lessen that pain.  While I firmly believe in prayer for present healing, I am looking forward to a day of permanent healing in heaven.  Move a little, dance a lot – and enjoy no pain!

On a day to remember women

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Four words from my niece on celebrating women around this world.

Resolve, resilience, creativity, leadership.

Here is how a world goes round and round!

Where is education headed

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

An interesting quote to start the day talking about where education is headed

“. . . an educational age where we increasingly value active learning, student initiative, diverse voices, opensource research, open-ended questions, collaborative problem-solving, working well with others . . .” (Troftgruben, Troy.  “Collaborative Wikis as Final Exams”, Wabash Journal of Teaching, May 2021, p.60)

I’m always on the other side where librarians live.  Do we know what an open source library would look like?  How many paper books would there be?  Can all digital research be found for free?  When is a digital copy a “copy” and not “pirated”?  How do you enforce that?

That started my thinking this morning.  Unfortunately I think I know a number of the answers – and I don’t particularly like them.   Especially for the cash strapped post secondary student!!

What if Jesus were still dead?

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

What if Jesus were still dead?

What would/could we still believe – with vigor and enthusiasm?

I once led a church in what we called a year of the impossible.  We positioned ourselves to ask whether what we were doing could be done without Jesus.  A great year and a grating year.

First off, we brush our teeth.  I can do that without moving into a meditative state where Jesus guides my toothbrush.  That may be possible, but not necessary.  Seems to me Jesus gave us good teachers to help us understand many things.  We might even call that wisdom. 

So a church runs on the wisdom of God.  We seek to discern through rules and regulations a sense of God’s direction.

And if Jesus had never died, all people should be able to peer into and understand that wisdom (sometimes called general revelation).  God never gave up on us – from the beginning of time, to the exile of the Israelites, to the wars of religion, to . . .

BUT . . . if Jesus were still one of the dead prophets that populate our earth century by century, would his moral teachings remain prominent?  Probably.  Would there be a group of people that gathered to listen for his teachings?  Probably.  Does this look like us today?

What is the difference that happens because Jesus is not dead?

Sorry, I’m not going to answer that right now. 

I’m getting ready to go into the Lenten (forty days) season before Easter (that day we talk about the “I’m no longer dead” time in the Christian calendar).  I want to think anew about that question of “what if Jesus were still dead?”.  Does my life change?