Old Age?
I’m not sure old age is to blame . . . but . . .
On January 13th I went in for a massage treatment. I had been having trouble with my hips for a few days and was hoping it was just stiffness from activity. A few days later the pain was increasing and, although the massage had helped, I was advised to see a chiropractor.
January 17th was the first treatment. Others were to follow. On a bold adventurous weekend I headed down to Regina in February. Although the ride was smooth my hips were not impressed (or maybe impressed too much). I got another Chiropractic treatment in Regina. By the end of February I added a two or three week regimen of pain killer and muscle relaxant pills (starting every four hours, then backing off over the coming days). I took the last of those pills on March 10th (and hopefully have passed the point of needing further chiropractic treatment). By March 13 (two months later) I am able to walk much more easily, although I tire and will need to rebuild those muscles.
There is still a mystery in my mind as to what precipitated this episode of pain and readjustment. I’d like to say it was my muscular ability in cleaning walks and doing other athletic feats. I’d even like to say it was a heroic deed that cause me to strain the muscles.
That’s the “I’d like to” scenarios. In truth, I have no idea. I’m glad I’m recovering at this point. There were days of pain that precluded my doing anything – and my thinking was clouded. I feel for those with chronic pain – and am thankful for those who can prescribe treatment to lessen that pain. While I firmly believe in prayer for present healing, I am looking forward to a day of permanent healing in heaven. Move a little, dance a lot – and enjoy no pain!