SPN retreat house

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What an enjoyable 24 hours!  Just outside Outlook is a home that housed seven senior pastors. 

SPN retreat may 12 2010

We slept, laughed, prayed, learned, interacted, ate and were refreshed.  In the end  the networking enhanced our ministry.  And as we work together there is an opportunity to pray for each other, to support each other and to just be to each other Christ’s ambassadors.


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I suppose our monitors for computers are getting fairly sophisticated.  In past years the real problem was that any image remaining for an extended period would “burn” the image on the monitor.  So the screensaver was the salvation of those early monitors – at least, that was the intent.  The original screensaver was a blank screen!

Not to be outdone, pictures and animation was added as screens became able to withstand the “burn” time.  Audio was added.  Of course, one of the other intents of the early screen saver (privacy from those who just “popped into your office”), was now complemented by a full video presentation which distracted your visitors.

Today I was viewing a screensaver on my wife’s computer that takes the pictures you select and continuously plays them across the screen.  I’ve glanced over once in a while and just enjoyed myself.  Of particular interest was a recent picture which was of my mother, myself, my daughter and her daughter.  There is a legacy there which I appreciate. 

Now, you are just going to have to imagine that.  Since you are reading this, your screensaver hasn’t kicked in yet!


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  • Reading time:2 mins read

I see “providence” as coming upon a fresh stream in the midst of a forest when you least expect it.  The water flows cool and clear, the vegetation is sparkling green and the sunlight is unexpected.  When you arrive you are surprised.  You drink of the stream and you are refreshed.

Nothing you did prepared your for this refreshment.

Yesterday I was wondering about a talk I would give to our youth group.  I’d been asked to give a devotional a few days previous.  My schedule was such that I had no squeeze time.  And yet, in my regular routine God squeezed in a chapter from a book I was reading.  Exactly the content that would suit where our youth group has been venturing.

Then, during the day I was involved in a community committee.  One of those efforts that are helpful but can be an expense of time for which the debit on your resources sometimes outweighs the credit to your purposes.  The meetings went well.  In fact, as a committee we congratulated ourselves on our accomplishment for the day.

But the greatest providence was on the way home – a drive with a portion of the committee to return to our hometown.  In the car the conversation soon turned to God.  Now, remember, this is a “non-church” group.  We ranged from a discussion on the devotional for the youth to faith, belief, church, friends, backgrounds, God . . . In an hour’s time I had been refreshed!

Not expecting the opening in the forest, I just sat back and enjoyed!  Sometimes I wonder if God puts experiences in our way just to make our jaws drop and our senses tingle.  And then, we head back into the forest – intent on the path in front of us, and waiting to see what lies around the corner!

Early to rise!

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

I was at the church shortly after sunrise (OK, maybe an hour or two later).  The 6:30 hour seemed like a good idea at the time.  Around 9:00 I was not so sure.  I was yawning and finding my reflexes a little slow.  By noon I was glad to come home and to get a quick nap before the afternoon’s activities.

Now, I’m asking myself the question – “If the saying is ‘early to bed, early to rise’, does the reverse apply – ‘early to rise, early to bed’?”  I have this feeling the yawns that are appearing now will make this true!!