Baptismal stories

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Tonight the elders in our church listened to four spiritual journeys.  All are youth in our church.  All have unique paths they have ventured down.

One has physical issues, another is a writer, another a musician, another a young man who is seen to be a gentleman.  As I listened I was inspired to believe that God knows what He is doing. 

I was also inspired to consider where we go from here.  In the life of our church this bodes well.  Youth are moving ahead in their spiritual walks.  Adults will be inspired and will also move forward.  This is the great journey which we will experience on May 16th.

If you are around Kindersley, drop in to the Alliance Church at 11:00 am on May 16th.  Join us!

Back in front of the computer

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For the last few days, I’ve been busily involved in two seminars.

The first was one our church sponsored, along with three other churches.  Dr. David Eckman was truly listenable as well as certainly understandable.  Not bad for an academic!

The second seminar dealt with an upcoming intern we will sponsor in the fall.  He and his wife were at the sessions that gave us (Jill and I) an opportunity to meet and become acquainted with them.  We had fun – there was an instant “click.”

So, today was back to the office and into the routine.  And back to the computer to write a blog entry.

Too long away from the keyboard!  Good to be back!

Eckman in town

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A weekend of seminars began this morning.  This is an opportunity to hear about, work through, think on the whole matter of addictions, family backgrounds, Jesus and our world.

Dr. David Eckman comes with great credentials – but more than that, he comes with an ability to teach hard concepts in bite size chunks.  His life is transparent to us – we know about his own family dysfunctions, his heart attack and clinical depression.  He doesn’t hold back on how Christianity displayed to others sometimes is distorted.

The upshot of the day has been some rethinking by many.  For others this was good confirmation.  For others this was a time to gather like-minded people into a room and let them hear and react with an understandable teaching

Loved it! 

And tomorrow, you can join us if you are around.  He will speak during a combined church service at the Kindersley Alliance church at 11:00.  An at 2:00 at a session held at the Kindersley Christian Fellowship!  Come join us!

Enter a day off

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With days stringing together, I moved to a day off today.  This weekend will be busy, and then a few days of seminar, and back to a busy week.

So, I washed down our house, took the car in for repairs, fixed a bike pump and painted a sign.  All that in the midst of regular life!

And that was enjoyment for the day.  Along with a “coffee break” with a friend, Unfortunate family news from another friend, and a time with my wife. 

All’s well . . . and may this night be one of rest and peace!