I used to . . .

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Once upon a time, . . . when I was younger!

I guess we really do slow down as we get older.  Not in our heads – we are still battling dragons – and winning.  But I’m not sure I could throw my leg over my trusty stead any more!

So, I now will set an appointment time for a rest at some time during the day.  I tell myself I’m just following Albert Einstein’s example – he used to take quick naps to refresh himself.  I tend to take a few quick naps together at the same time! 

Nevertheless, today I headed into a full day, and with about an hour or a bit more rest time, was able to complete a 10 hour work day.  A few years ago I could have pushed for a 12 hour work day.  But somehow, I don’t find that I “need” to do that any more.

Which reminds me that rest is a good thing – not an interruption but an infusion of strength!

Temptations of Old Age

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

I encountered Keith Drury about a decade ago.  I was meeting with various pastors from our town.  One of them, a Free Methodist pastor, mentioned Keith’s name. 

Keith is a professor at Indiana Wesleyan University.  His views are often on the edge, insightful and sometimes plain controversial.  The weekly writings come out on his website during the academic year.

A few months ago (in October) I ran across his article on the temptations of old age (instead of the sins of my youth, it was the sins of my old age!).  I’ve tucked them away until today when – with proper accreditation to him – I took the article and began a discussion of it amongst one of our senior’s groups here in town.

I got through two of the items in his lists of temptations and my time was up.  The thoughts really resonated with the residents. 

Want to see some of his thoughts?  Check here and here.  If you want to see what he is currently writing, check here.

Our son is home!

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

After a five month stint on board ship, Tim is home.

His day began in warm Orlando and ended in cool Saskatchewan. 

The opportunity to see him has intrigued me for some time.  As our children grow into adulthood we know that relationship ties will change.  There is no longer a need to be in constant contact – just knowing they are alive can be enough!

And now, we have the next two months in closer proximity.  We’ll talk, maybe I’ll ride bike with Tim, he’ll visit friends around the country, we’ll eat together.  And soon he’ll be off to Europe for his next contract.

But until then, I thank God for an opportunity to be with him again.

A chore or a joy?

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

For many years, one of my sidelights – those things that you just do for the fun of it- has been editing manuscripts. 

I started when I was writing my own papers in college.  I began to enjoy the revising of my papers as much as  the writing.  Too bad my research habits weren’t better.  Usually there was little time left over after I had finally gotten my information together!

Then I was asked to help edit the graduate school faculty journal.  Not a huge job, and mostly to make sure things were readable.  I joined a writer’s group and kept at the art of massaging a text to make it readable.

And now, for the fun of it, I’m editing a friend’s manuscript.  This is the second manuscript of her’s that I have read.  She has improved.  Her story line grows with each page, her characters have depth, and she actually uses words that are beyond a fifth grade level!

And so, in the next hour or so, I’ll sit and read and pencil in corrections and edits.  And I’ll hit the sack having enjoyed those last moments before my rest!