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Tonight three of us pastors and our wives were honoured by our friends, those who congregate with us.  The setting was simple.  As three couples we sat around a table, joked, told stories and then prayed together.  Our hosts served us exquisite food and we were honoured.

I’m not sure I have words to describe the experience.  In some ways it was another night out.  In other ways I have had no other night out that was quite the same.

Thank you to all who contributed – those who were present to serve and those who served by praying for us, showering us with gifts and just thinking of us!

May God bless.

A winter feel

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

I’m always amazed how quickly we adapt.  And how quickly we forget.

The last few days have been cold.  Prior to that we were overwhelmed with warmth in a month that normally is chilly.

How can a few days of warmth cause us to immediately dislike cold – cold which a few months previously would have been considered comfortably warm?

So, today our noon hour was warming as we stepped from our lunch hour respite.  And yet, things still felt cool.

To assert that warmth is on the way, I place my parka into “winter storage.” 

A great symbolic gesture that may need to be rescinded.  I was reminded of the July long weekend a decade or more ago.  We had traveled through the States.  There we were warned to “cover our tomatoes”.  Of course, we were mobile in a car and had no tomatoes to cover.  But we did stop at a motel where all sorts of reservations had been cancelled – maybe they were all covering their tomatoes at home.

I think there was only one other room rented out that evening.  We headed to the pool – which was outdoors.   Steam rose from the pool as we tried to remain warm underwater.  We rushed from the pool to our room for warm hot chocolate.  In the morning windshields needed to be scraped.

So, maybe March has been warm but we should be ready for cold – even into July!

Logo madness

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Our local Drug and Alcohol Awareness Wellness Network is looking for a logo.  I’ve encouraged a number of people to get something in. 

So far I’ve gotten two people to submit an entry.  They both look good. 

Talking with the coordinator of the contest, these are the first entries.

Deadline is this Friday at 5:00.  The logo needs to contain the acronym, KDAWN, and the long form of the name – Kindersley Drug and Alcohol Awareness Wellness Network. 

Why am I mentioning this?

Well, if you have a great idea, leave a comment and I’ll get in touch with you and let you know what it would take to get another entry in.


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  • Reading time:2 mins read

I’m not much changed.

I’ve learned a lot today.

My sight has been tested.

All of the above statements are true.

As the day began we slipped over to our optometrist in Oyen, Alberta.  There my eyes were tested for glaucoma, cataracts and other names I didn’t understand or know.

Finally, drops were placed in my eyes to dilate them.  I could still read, but the real test was light.  Even the smallest amount seemed to magnify.  Finally, after the testing was done we headed home. 

I was told to wear sunglasses, but thought I would be alright.  I stepped out of the office door and realized the white building I was looking at probably had boards on the walls (or vinyl siding), but I could not distinguish them.  My eyes hurt with the light.  Hours later the eyes have returned to normal, and am I thankful that there is a normal.

If I needed further proof of an intelligent design, my eyes were opened to that today – quite literally.   God really is amazing!