Small Town Cafe

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Bookmarking my day (where I examined a book library of a friend and culled files), Jill and I headed to a small town to have lunch. 

The town of Hoosier has about 11 people in town.  The “Hoosier Lunch and Munch” is a small addition on the front of one of the homes.  The town has a small COOP store.  Otherwise, not much there!

At the “Lunch and Munch” there were four tables – one covered with newly painted Easter eggs and sundry items.  Local farmers and oil workers drifted in.  we arrived and the proprietor cleaned off a table for us.  With four chairs at the table, we positioned ourselves to take in the sun.  Single sheet menus were handed to us and the special pointed out on a small whiteboard fastened on the wall.

Then Roger and Walter arrived.  They were local farmers.  The other tables were occupied.  We were asked if we minded if they sat with us.

Not at all.  We chatted and ate together.  They had soups and their usual fare.  We had a Denver and Clubhouse with fries (a little too much fat and fries for our health, but sure tasted good).  We found out local lore, a way home by way of gravel and oiled grid roads, and how much fun small town can be.

Here’s a picture of the Hoosier Lunch and Munch – just for you!

Hoosier lunch and munch small


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  • Reading time:1 mins read

My sermon today hit on tough times.  And groaning before God.  Without words.  As Romans 8:26-27 says:

26In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. 27And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will.

No more words!

Krystaal in concert

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

By 7:30 we were off to our local Lutheran church to hear an amazing group called Krystaal.  From the Congo, through the fire of persecution and serving as refugees, they bring a message of forgiveness and hope.

They are back next week.  Sunday night at 7:00 at our local Brethren  in Christ church.  Well worth a free will offering.

What are friends for?

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Another four weeks!

That’s what my friend informed me.  My cold has gone on for two weeks as of tonight.  My friend figures, with much the same symptoms, she is currently into her sixth week and still just getting away from the symptoms.

So, now, I’m bracing for such marvelous things as bronchitis, hacking cough and lack of energy.

On the bright side.  She hasn’t died – yet!!